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She was lost in her musings then, and after I recovered from my shock, I felt nothing but anger, hatred and loathing for the woman who sat across from me in the broken elevator, still she continued to talk.

“I have to tell you. I am so glad you aren’t like your older brother Wes, that brother, sorry to say this but he is not a gentleman. He is the reason me and Danny broke it off. I don’t like Wes, and you can tell him I said that. He is not a nice man.”

Her eyes were averted to the contents of her purse. I took a few deep breaths, gave myself a moment to gather my thoughts and compose myself since we were both stuck in an elevator together until they fixed it. This woman was my sworn enemy. I couldn’t believe I’d mistaken her as someone else.

I had to remain calm, I hated myself for how I'd just spent the last hour and hated her even more for it.So, you're back to do more damage to my brother and family's life. Well, I won’t let thathappen Eloise! You might have changed your appearance but that heart of yours is still cold asice and you are still the gold digging, thief, and ruthless woman I remember you to be back then.

I stood up, immediately putting distance between us. “Eloise, I am Wes!” I paced the elevator around her, wanting nothing more than to escape and warn my brother she was back.

I couldn’t even imagine how she’d got an invitation to his party, and I wasn’t about to speculate.

She stood up then, outraged, and pointing at me.

“You're not Wes. There is no way I would do such things with a man like Wes Markson! I would never touch that man! You're lying, I don’t know what kind of sick family joke this is, but I want it stopped now Bradley. Danny always told me you're a good man, now I see you are just like your older brother Wes!”

She stepped backwards and pressed herself against the wall. She pressed herself against the wall I’d just used so I could finger her pussy. Her eyes shot daggers at me, but she was no match for me. “You're not Wes Markson, I don’t believe it. Wes Markson wouldn’t know how to seduce a woman if he tried.

Her words cut through the air between us, and the beast broke free from his cage for a moment.

I moved swiftly, pressed myself against her, still feeling the sexual chemistry between us, her breath harsh against my face. “I am Wes Markson, Eloise.”

I grit my teeth and hold myself there making my point. When I saw the recognition in her eyes, and realized she was about to shed a tear I was torn. The bad boy side of me wanted to press further, but I remembered my manners, my good upbringing and stepped back.

Eloise opened her mouth to say something. I watched as a mixture of emotions passed across her face, one of them outrage, the other confusion. “How? I know I got caught up in what just happened. I know I get such bad panic I don’t think straight. Somehow, I knew it, I thought it was you, but it's been a while.” Her hand went to her lips as she absorbed the shock of her reality.

Just then the elevator started moving again.

Chapter Four


My body was still liquified, every muscle and bone relaxed from my sexual release. Discovering who the man in the elevator was, the man that’d just sent me to paradise and basically rocked my world in a matter of less than an hour was Wes Markson was crazy.

I thought for sure I was thinking of having sex with Danny’s younger brother Bradley, whom I wouldn’t have minded at all. He was a little younger, cute, and kindhearted from what Danny had once told me.

Wes Markson was my arch enemy; the reason Danny and I broke up. He had been the man to come between us with his far-fetched lies and dramatic proclamations about who I was as a person because he’d been jealous of Danny.

To say I was stunned, shocked beyond belief was an understatement. What had been a magical hour together, at a time when I could have broken down, cried and had a major panic attack turned into something unforgettable in more ways than one.

I didn't believe him for one second, until he came face to face with me again and I took a good look. It all made sense then, why I felt like I knew him, why I had the sensation of recognition.

We’d only met a few times in the past, but every time we met, I disliked him as much as he did me. And when Danny finally broke it off with me, after some outrageous claims from his cynical brother Wes, I wanted to strangle him.

I was thankful when he stepped back and the elevator started moving again, it meant we could get away from one another and I could forget all about our time in the elevator like a bad one night stand a woman buried and chose to forget forever.

Two minutes later we were at his brother's penthouse floor. The doors opened, and I moved to get out with him. I moved slowly; my legs barely carried me as I thought through how I was going to manage this night when Wes suddenly stopped.

I was forced to stop too, as I was about to step off the elevator or risk running into the back of him. He turned to me, I saw the anger and hatred in his eyes, he liked me no more than I did him. And yet I still wanted his shaft buried inside me, his tongue teasing my tits.

“Get back on the elevator and go home, Eloise. You are not welcome here. You are not even welcome in this building.”

Not one to be easily flustered by a man, I lifted my chin to glare back at him, determined to get off the elevator. “You don’t live here, and I was invited. You have no say here. If your brother wants me to go, I will go, otherwise you need to mind your business.”

He must have sensed the truth in my words. I saw the inner turmoil, he was debating something, but I didn't know what until he spoke. “Fair enough, we will walk through that door and go directly to my brother’s office, he wil join us there. I don’t want to embarrass him at his party, but we can all discuss it then. If he tells me, you are welcome at his party, I will let it pass, but don’t think for one minute I trust you as far as I can throw you. AND I will be keeping an eye on you all night. Not exactly how I planned on spending my time at the party, but I will always protect what is mine, including my family and brother when he is too love struck and not using his common sense.”

He turned on his heels then, I walked a few paces behind him, keeping just enough distance so I could breathe, and didn't have the urge to do something stupid. The doors to the penthouse were open.

I could hear lots of people talking, I followed Wes and as soon as I was inside, I turned on my heels and went in another direction, leaving him to think I was following like a good woman.

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