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We’d spoken little at the funeral; I honestly didn't know what to say. The only reason I’d showed up was for Danny. He was a mess; he had a flight to Tahiti booked for later that night so he could get away and clear his head.

I hoped he would find a bunch of island girls to chase away all his memories of Sienna and the pain she caused him.

When I knew Eloise was ready to leave, I just couldn’t let her go, we had a lot to discuss about the baby, which I knew was mine. I wasn’t interested in that yet, I had yet to fully digest the fact I was going to be a father.

None of that mattered at the moment. What mattered to me was Eloise, touching her, being close to her, hearing her say my name again and taking care of her. It was odd how I’d ended up in such a mess, I’d never thought to be where I was at the moment.

The memories of Aspen, watching her sleep, hearing her soft snoring, looking at her calm, peaceful face as she did, humbled me and frightened the hell out of me. I’d never intended to have such deep feelings for a woman, it just wasn’t my style.

Somehow in the space of a few weeks I’d developed feelings I’d fought so hard to avoid like a virus I could catch. I never wanted this, never wanted to care about anyone but myself and my family.

I used women, and they used me, or at least tried to do that. It was a game I could navigate, but Eloise caught me off guard. I could say it was her appearance, looking so much like Alexandra Newton but in truth it wasn’t.

That was just the beginning, she had more depth, more character and personality than any model or actress I’d ever had on my arm for a few days or weeks. There was no comparison.

That reality was shocking to me, as I didn't want to feel anything.

She was still facing forward, looking out the front window of her car, I could tell she was thinking. I gave her a moment; she was a complex woman and I’d been hard on her. I studied the interior of her car and tried to amuse myself as a person’s car was usually a direct reflection of who the person was, like how their home looked.

I looked around, ignoring her so she got pissed and stopped ignoring me.

“Get out of my car now!” She turned to me; I saw the flash of anger in her eyes. The Eloise I wanted was back. I could use her anger to my advantage and turn it into sex.

I smiled. “Make me. I sincerely doubt you can make me get out of your car considering the difference in our sizes.”

She leveled me a look from head to toe, turned around to grab something from the back, her phone and then started dialing numbers. “I’m calling the police, I don’t think you want me to do that, just get out of my car. I am done with this little game you play with my body and heart.

Yes, I am sexually attracted to you, you're a hard man to resist. Then again that’s how we made this baby I am carrying but I am not going to let you think you can run my life with it either.

Now get out.”

I tried to grab the phone from her, but she was quicker, she was out the car door and walking away. I’d damned if I was going to let her call the police on me. In 5 steps I was at her side and grabbed the phone and ended the call.

“Damn it, Wes!” She ripped the phone out of my hands then ran to the car. I couldn’t believe it when she took off, the passenger door was still open, which closed as she turned the corner and headed out of the parking lot.

There I stood, feeling disgusted with myself for approaching her like I did. “You can run Eloise, but you can’t hide.” I called Victor to come and pick me up, five minutes later I was headed back to my office.

I spent the next week making changes to my life. Whether or not Eloise was ready to deal with me, I was determined to make whatever changes I needed to be a father. I didn't even know what that meant but figured getting rid of all the crazy women that came and went in my life was a good place to start.

I changed all my social media, informing everyone I was in a relationship, but it was complicated. In truth I was, even if I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Eloise and I had something, even if it was sex. Knowing that gave me hope.

It didn't even bother me when all those pretty ladies I had as favorites in my phone started calling and texting demanding to know who the lucky lady was. I said nothing because there was nothing to tell yet. I just knew if I was going to be a father I should change.

The first change that really surprised me the most was when I was out with my brother. There were a few women who hung out with us, my brother Bradley surprised me when he introduced me to Alexandra Newton, who was the friend of his now girlfriend Ruby.

It didn't take long for Alexandra to get comfortable next to me and I should have been flattered and excited, but I just wasn’t interested.

“So, what do you say we go find a private spot where we can be alone and more comfortable?”

She was leaning against me, her mouth close to my ear as she whispered.

“No, I’m good Alexandra, but perhaps my younger brother Keith would be interested.” I nodded my head in his direction and decided it was time to take my leave. I was bored and had other things and other people on my mind. “Bradley, Keith, ladies, I'm heading out, it’s been great.”

All the way home the way I refused Alexandra bothered me. It wasn’t the refusal so much as the fact that I just wasn’t interested. I didn't want her, I didn't want to sleep with her, touch her or even look at her.

I told myself it was because I was going to be a father, I had a baby on the way even if Eloise had yet to include me in doctor appointments and such. Somewhere in my gut I knew that wasn’t the only reason I refused the real Alexandra Newton.

As I got out of the car after leaving my brothers, I thought to ask my most trusted employee his thoughts on the matter. “Hey Victor, can I ask you a personal question?”

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