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Her beautiful blonde hair swirled around her face, she would eternally sleep a lovely princess, even if she’d ended up at hel ’s door. My stomach was starting to rebel, and I could feel the tiny bites of toast I’d had earlier disagreeing with me.

The row I sat in was empty, I thanked God for that so I could quickly escape if I needed to get to the bathroom.

“Were you trying to hide from me?” Danny sat down on my left. He smiled, although I saw the pain still in his eyes, pain of loss, pain of doing the right thing while feeling horrible.

“Not at al . I just needed to sit down is all. I’m pregnant, remember.” I tossed my hair over my shoulder and took in some air, the air in the room was riddled with perfume, cologne, and other odd smells which as of late were taking a toll on me.

Before I knew what was happening Wes was sitting on my right side, a smile on his face. He put his arm around the back of my chair. It turned my insides upside down to have him sitting so close to me again.

The things this man did to me without a word or touch was insane. I knew how I felt, knew it like I knew my own skin. I didn't dare sit back, if I did, I would want to sink into him, let him hold me, his arm protectively wrapped around me. I couldn’t do that.

He said nothing, so I didn't either. The service was long and annoying, and I barely made it through. By the time we had to go to the burial site, I could take no more. I stood outside, annoyed that he still didn't say anything other than a few cordial words during the service but kept watching me.

I had to get away from him, and the funeral. I’d chatted with Danny a few times but other than that we hadn’t said much. I wanted my grandfather’s watch back, I wanted to talk to him about Wes, and our baby but that was kind of a moot point at the moment, it was a funeral after all.

And for the love of God, I wanted an apology from someone. I wanted an apology for everything, mostly from Wes, but an apology from Danny for believing his crap back then would be good too.

I should have known I wasn’t going to get it so before I hoped in my car to follow along, I spoke up. “Well gentleman, I am off. I am not going to the burial, there is no need for me to be here for moral support when you have Wes.”

Both men looked at me, apparently stunned I was ditching them, but I had much to do. I had to get my life in order for all the changes coming and whatever happened, sooner or later Wes, and I would talk, Danny and I would talk.

I turned to get into my car and felt a hand against my back. “Eloise, wait.” It was Wes, I knew his touch like I knew my own breath. I looked up at the sky, it was a beautiful day, clear blue with the slightest puff of clouds floating by.

It was the perfect day for a princess to be buried. “I can’t.” I hurried into the car, shocked when Wes got into the passenger seat beside me.

“Fine. you drive.” He looked at me, al serious.

For a second I was stunned, Wes didn't drive anywhere, hardly ever. He and Danny had drivers and they did the driving. “What are you doing Wes?”

“We have to talk, so I figured I’d go with you wherever you’re going. Victor can find me later.”

He smiled.

“I’m not moving this car until you get out. We are not a couple; we are not together other than having a baby which doesn't require being in a vehicle or anywhere together. Get out.”

The bad boy was back. He threw me a look of mild annoyance and kicked back in the seat so he could be more comfortable. “Sorry, you're going to have to remove me, unless you have other ideas in mind for this car after everyone drives off.” He winked at me, and my insides melted, turned soft.

Something inside me gave in, like it always did. I felt that familiar wetness between my legs start, and those insane butterflies in my stomach. I could feel a bubbly sensation in my throat as if I would laugh at any moment and the sudden urge to just smile.

I wanted him badly; I’d wanted him every moment since that moment in the elevator and he damn well knew it which annoyed the hell out of me. Still, I kept my composure and hoped none of those needs and wants, that lust wasn’t written all over my face.

The funeral party drove off one by one, Danny’s car in line. Victor followed too and there we sat, Wes and I, in an empty parking lot together, the hum of my vehicle the only noise I heard except a few birds.

I debated in my mind if I would sleep with him. The thrill of sex outdoors, in a parked car, which would be uncomfortable at best would be well worth it. But then I realized, I was not going to keep falling for this twisted sex thing we had going on between us.

At the very least the man beside me was going to humble himself and say how sorry he was about al he’d done to ruin my life. He’d ruined my relationship with Danny a long time ago, he’d ruined my life now with all those horrible thoughts, ideas, feelings, and words he spoke. And if that wasn’t enough, he’d forever changed my life when I got pregnant which I was partly responsible for and the only good thing to come out of this at all.

“So, what do you say, Eloise? Do you want to see if this car has enough room for a bit of fun?”

Chapter Nineteen


I had to have her; I wanted her bad. Seeing her walk into the funeral I’d felt drawn to her. I wanted her in my arms, I wanted to touch every inch of her, I’d missed her so much.

She hadn’t returned any of my text messages, so I let it be for the time being. I knew she was busy; I’d kept her from her life for far too long, and probably turned it upside down. Selfish bastard that I was, I didn't even care that much, I just wanted her with me.

Danny knew, I’d told him everything, he berated me for being so foolish but complimented me on my choice of victim as he regretted losing her even if he really did love Sienna.

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