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How did he not know Sienna was stealing from him, and for so long. To think we all believed it was Eloise. Where is she anyway?”

Chapter Eighteen


I was happy when the doctors checked me out and gave me and baby a clean bill of health other than a good scare and some stress. I was kept overnight for observation to make sure everything was okay, and then let go.

Thankfully I’d decided to grab my purse before leaving the house, so I didn't have to go back to the house and could fly home. I knew it would make Wes and maybe Danny angry but they both had a lot to deal with and didn't need a pregnant woman interfering.

Once home in the city I felt better. It had been forever since I saw my apartment, and thankfully my girlfriend took great care of it. The food in the refrigerator was slightly moldy but I didn't care, I noshed on crackers before taking a nap.

My belly was still rebelling, but it was becoming more predictable as time went on and I only felt nausea and threw up in the mornings. After my nap I scheduled an appointment with my doctor and started to put the pieces of my life back together, regretting leaving the house that day and getting into that elevator.

I was stupid for thinking I could make Danny jealous and regret what he’d lost, and I was even dumber for believing I could have my grandfather’s watch back again. Meeting Wes had been the worst nightmare I’d ever had, and yet the best dream I could make up.

He gave me the most precious gift I could ever imagine, although it didn't seem like it at the time. After a few days, once I came down off the drama high from all the craziness that Sienna created, I was thrilled to be pregnant.

I was scared too, don’t get me wrong, I worried about everything, but I wanted to have that baby and had no intentions otherwise.

Wes knew the truth now and with that I was able to put it all behind me and forgive him. I read online days later of Sienna’s passing and when the funeral was set to take place. I had no clue how things were going to be handled and wanted very much to call Danny or Wes.

I couldn’t bring myself to call Wes, I was still to upset by all that happened, and wanted an apology so I called Danny. It was hard to listen to him cry on the phone. I knew deep in my heart Danny had truly loved Sienna and it was going to take him a long time to get over her.

“Are you coming to the funeral? I really need you. You were always a good friend to me Eloise.

I’m just sorry that I listened to everyone else and not you.”

I couldn’t refuse him anything, he’d always been good to me and even though his fiancée had been unforgivable, he was a perfect man in my eyes. “Sure. You know I will be there. We have much to discuss.”

It felt good to be back to normal, well at least as normal as could be expected. I had a lot of adjustments to make, my apartment, my job, things with my family and friends. I was excited and scared at the same time.

I didn't really want to go to the funeral but felt I should, he was my ex-boyfriend, and friend. It wasn’t his fault his girlfriend had been mad and insane. I showed up feeling awkward and a little out of place.

Everyone I saw was her family. Danny texted me that morning to let me know he’d decided to say nothing, not prosecute, or do anything to anyone, even her secret boyfriend Luis. He was a better man than I was, he’d chosen to let all her dirty secrets die with her, even going so far as to tell her family the baby she carried has been his baby.

I didn't know what to think about that, except that she was the stupidest woman on the planet who’d been loved by the most extraordinary man who would have given up everything for her.

He hadn’t even loved me that much if he had he would have told Wes to get lost with his accusations when he started talking.

It was a very humbling thought, which helped me let go of any feelings or thoughts I had that he still loved me. I knew I didn't love Danny anymore, probably didn't really love him that much in the first place.

As I stepped into the funeral home, I realized I loved the idea of him, Danny was every woman’s perfect fantasy, rich, good looking, good natured and fun. He was easy going and charming, a man every woman would want and try to sink his teeth into when they got a chance. I’d fal en victim to it as well.

I knew the moment I looked at him, and then at Wes who stood beside him looking as handsome and sexy as the moment I saw him on the elevator heading to the engagement party.

He looked so devilishly handsome he took my breath away and I had to look away and survey the scene.

I knew next to no one and debated leaving. Sienna was gone, there was no need for me to pay my respects to a woman that would have killed me and my baby if given the chance. A woman that had no kindness for me other than false kindness.

The thought of going to Danny to be by his side as his friend and support him during a difficult time was unthinkable with Wes beside him. I didn't even know what to say. I had yet to talk to him even though he’d messaged me a few times.

Sooner or later, I would have to talk to him, but I didn't want it to be today during such a sad and strangely confusing funeral. Sienna’s family didn't know the truth of her life, no one did but Danny and his family and me.

She would be buried as an honest woman with a good heart thanks to Danny. Even though I relished the idea of tarnishing that appearance by arguing with Wes or something silly I wouldn't do that.

Instead of heading for him, I turned and walked into the room and sat in a chair towards the back. My back turned, I hoped I could listen to the service and maybe join Danny later considering he had his brother with him for support.

I couldn’t imagine how he’d buried it all, considering the mess in Aspen but Danny and his entire family had the power and connections to do almost anything. I looked at Sienna laying in her casket, a serene look on her face.

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