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I couldn’t suppress it anymore, I tried as hard as I could, but this emotional roller coaster ride she was one was too hard to ignore. I laughed and laughed so much she shoved me hard, so I fell backwards against the bed and then she slammed the bathroom door.

That was the single Sienna and Danny needed. Two minutes later Sienna was slamming the bedroom door open looking angrier than the previous night. When she saw me sitting on Eloise’s bed her face became a mask of kindness and humor.

“Wes! Whatever are you doing in here with that thief? I know you two were intimate but still she is a thief. I know you're not that desperate to be with a woman. Have you had some alcohol this morning and it’s ruining your mental clarity?”

I sobered up from my hysteria immediately and sat up, clearing my throat. “Not at all. And no, I am not desperate. I thought of giving her something to eat, this way when the authorities come and get Eloise, she can’t cry off that we abused or neglected a pregnant woman. That’s the last thing we need is her doing that.”

“Good point.” She was convinced, nodded, and moved when Danny came into the room.

“What was that slam? Did she slam a door in my house?” He looked stil half asleep, but I knew now was my chance, with Eloise locked in the bedroom, Sienna couldn’t do anything to her. I just needed a moment to discuss things with Danny and all would be well again.

“Yes, it was Eloise. Brother, I need to talk to you for a moment. Could we have a word in private?”

“Sure, let’s go….” Forever my best friend Danny smiled, instantly alert and caressing his wife to be’s arm.

As I stood up, she leaned in. “Darling must you men always have these secretive meetings.

Can’t a girl tag along to hear all your dirty secrets?” I watched, frozen in place as Danny nibbled on her neck.

“You know I love you darling, but brothers sometimes need to talk about things that no one but brothers hear. You are an only child so you wouldn’t understand, but I promise we will only be a moment or two and then we can go have breakfast and make that call. After Eloise is gone, we can enjoy ourselves here for a while, a pre wedding, pre honeymoon, honeymoon.”

He pinched her ass and moved away. She looked angry but contained it well, and I knew for a fact she would be waiting outside that door listening to everything we discussed. I made a plan as Danny closed the door to his office.

“What’ s up brother?” He sat down at his desk, kicked his feet up, seeming no less the wear for all he was dealing with about Eloise and his stolen property. I admired him in that moment, Danny was so laid back, easy going and self-assured that not much got under his skin. I was the same, but I was a bit of a hothead too.

I got comfortable, and as close to my brother as appropriate. He eyed me up when I pulled the chair over to his desk beside him like I had 3 heads. “Sorry, I have something to discuss, something personal and I have the feeling we might have elephant ears outside the door.”

He laughed, glanced towards the door and back at me. “Okay. You know brother you are acting awfully weird. Just make it quick so I can get Eloise out of here and back to business with my fiancée. I need some alone time with her, she's been acting strange, I think she’s jealous that Eloise is pregnant.”

I cued up my phone so my brother could hear and reached for a set of earbuds I saw on a shelf.

“Here, have a listen to this, don’t say anything, just have a listen.”

I sat patiently and waited, watching as my brother’s eyes changed. First it was disbelief. Then I saw first-hand how his eyes changed, saw the anger, and pain revealed in them. He sat up, his hands in fists as he continued to look.

I knew it was coming, either he was going to smash something, or he was going to cry. My brother wasn’t one for crying but I knew without a doubt that Danny loved Sienna. Hearing her voice, which there was no way he could mistake for anyone else's, tore him apart.

The words she spoke, the things she said in the recording, the complete two-faced attitude and how she seemed to enjoy being deceitful and wicked were going to be a hard pill to swallow.

I knew I had to do something, as he continued to silently listen, I saw a few tears fall after his face got red. He covered his face with his hand, not wanting to show how much her words and that recording hurt him, but I knew.

I got up and grabbed a bottle of vodka for him, his favorite drink. Poured him a glass, and said nothing when he ignored the glass, and drank straight from the bottle. He continued to listen, my eyes met his for a moment, and I regretted letting him listen, but it was the only way I could help Eloise.

I downed the shot glass of vodka and let him have what little pleasure he had left in that bottle as he drank, kicking back and taking a good swig.

He slammed his fist against the desk, shoved everything off the desk, every paper and object in a fit of rage and tore off the ear buds. “That fucking bitch! Get Eloise out of here. I am going to kill her!” He stood up and stormed to the door, I followed in his wake.

I couldn’t leave him alone with her, I had to make sure my brother didn't end up in jail alongside Sienna. She’d broken his heart, torn it to pieces and I was given no option but to shove it in his face without regard for his feelings to protect Eloise, the least I could do was stay.

The only problem was Sienna was nowhere to be found. He stormed across the house and after searching everywhere he kicked in Eloise’s door, which was oddly locked. I followed close on his heels, prepared to deal with whatever came.

“Where the hel is that bitch of mine, that two faced bitch that stole everything from me including my heart and soul?” He stopped just inside the door, since he was as tall as I was, I had to look around him.

“Don’t you dare move or she is done. I should have known you would find out. I don’t know how you did it, any of you but you two fools have been taking the bait for so long I thought you were both dense.” She laughed hysterically.

“If only you’d have left well enough alone, this stupid bitch would be my escape goat and I’d be living the high life in Mexico real soon with the love of my life. Hopefully with any luck Luis is raiding one or both of your penthouses right now.”

I didn't dare move. Sienna had a gun pointed at Eloise’s head; her arm tucked neatly around her neck tight. Danny took a step into the room and started talking. Sienna watched every move he made.

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