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My chest felt tight, my mind scrambled, my heart ached for the woman I’d clearly wronged. The only thing I wanted was to apologize, look into her eyes, see her lovely smile, and touch her again, and beg her to forgive me.

If we were bound to be together forever, at least parents to a child we shared, I needed to find a way to help her forgive me. I knew it had to start with making things right with her, whatever that meant but first I had to save my family.

I tried calling her over and over again, but it kept going to voicemail. I contemplated calling my brother but I wouldn’t explain things on the phone not knowing what was going on in person so there I sat, waiting for the flight to end.

A car was waiting for me and Victor when we arrived, I didn't go anywhere without him and with my brother’s safety in question I decided to bring him along just in case.

The ride was quick getting to his Aspen home. It was tucked back in the woods, a winter wonderland at this time of year. As we approached all the lights were on in the great room.

Sienna was there, Danny sitting on the couch, Eloise was there too, I knew her the moment I saw her.

I didn't waste any time when I arrived. Stormed through the door with Victor by my side. “Hey brother, Sienna, Eloise. You guys should know better than to take a vacation without me, especially you princess.” Eloise looked nervous; something wasn’t right.

“Wes, I told you to stay away, I told you I would cal you when I straightened this mess out. I don’t even fully comprehend what’s going on yet, but you were right all along about Eloise.

Sienna was just enlightening me about her antics, selling things at a pawn shop on her repeated trips there. Sienna told me she didn't say anything right away because she couldn’t believe it but also, she wanted to make sure.”

I kept my mouth closed, sent Victor a warning look so he did the same.

“Can you believe it Was? I didn't want to involve you because I had the feeling you were starting to have feelings for Eloise. I’m sorry, but right now we are trying to figure out what to do about this. I want to call the police to have her arrested but then Sienna just told me I am the last to know that she’s pregnant and no one knows who the baby is.”

My brother shook his head in disgust. It pained me to see the way he looked at Eloise with such hatred and Sienna with such admiration and love. I held my tongue.

“The worst part is….” Danny stood up and took Sienna in his arms. “She told Sienna that she was planning on going to Mexico and living off our riches, while selling the baby she births, whoever’s baby it is.”

I saw disgust on his face, Sienna was near to tears. I had to play along but wondered why Eloise said nothing.

“Can you imagine Wes, what an awful thing to do. While I would absolutely love to have a baby, to birth it and give it up to another by selling it no less. I could never do such a thing!” She laid her head into my brother’s chest and cried. I knew she should win an award for her Oscar performance and saw the same written in Victor’s eyes.

“So, what now Danny?”

“I don’t know. Sienna wants to see her punished to the ful est extent, so we have to prosecute.

I guess my only question right now to you is will you stand with us against her, considering you and she were getting close? Certainly, you must see how ruthless she is right now.”

I heard the misplaced conviction in my brother’s voice and pitied him for being such a fool, and for the pain he was soon going to deal with, not someone I would wish on anyone. Whatever the case, I would be by his side to help him in whatever way I could but a broken heart and being a fool in love with a woman who was undeserving was not easy to recover from for anyone,

I decided it was time to get comfortable, so I sat down beside Eloise and figured I’d play along.

“So, what do we do now? Why are we here in Aspen? This all could have been done in the city.”

“I’m not sure. Sienna said she thought it would be better to remove her from my penthouse, so she didn't steal anything else.”

I knew my brother’s mind was lost; he was so in love he couldn’t even see Sienna was probably setting up his penthouse for a robbery right as we spoke. I didn't know how many shady people she knew and considering she lived there, it would be nothing to give that guy Luis or someone else the security information so they could get in with no trouble. For all I knew she was paying off the doorman in sexual favors so it could happen. The whole idea was revolting but not nearly as much as the fact that both my brother and I had been complete idiots, oblivious to it all.

“Well, what do you say I take care of this for you brother? I will take Eloise back to the city and handle this with the authorities. This way you and your lovely bride can spend some quality time together and decompress from all this stress.”

Danny smiled. “That sounds like a….”

Sienna interrupted him with a laugh. “Darling, we wouldn’t want Wes to handle this, besides I am not sure he can since she didn't really steal anything from him other than that ring. It's all your stuff not his, it’s probably best if you contact the authorities. In the meantime, we should all enjoy some time relaxing since we are here. We can all keep an eye on her here and then when we return, we can have her arrested for whatever is missing at the penthouse.

Yeah, like everything in the penthouse. You and Luis and whoever else you work with will cleanup my brother’s penthouse and try to pin it on Eloise. Not happening!

“That doesn't even make any sense to Siena. We are all supposed to just sit here in Aspen and pretend to be enjoying ourselves while this thief, this liar and scheming woman is here with us.”

I played it up then, hating myself even more but I had a role to play then. I waved my hand at her in a disgusted gesture. “Someone should go back and take care of this, either Danny or I.”

A strange look crossed over her face, it was quick and gone before I had time to register it, but I did. “Oh, you are right. Why don’t you make a few phone calls from here Danny, then you could have the authorities pick her up here and put her in jail here until we can get home and file the papers. I am sure they will deal with her however they can from Aspen back to the city. I am so tired and stressed over this whole scenario. I can’t believe a woman I befriended, a woman I thought was a real friend and someone I could have beside me for years to come as so many other women I know are such horrible people, not even worthy of being in the same room with either of you.”

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