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“It’s yours, we’ve known each other just long enough for it to be yours. I haven’t been with anyone in a while, not that I should have to defend myself against anyone for being pregnant. I forgot to take my pills for a few weeks, and unfortunately you can’t seem to keep your hands off me.”

He tossed it in the trash nearby and paced the room. I felt sick again. It was too early for this kind of stress.

“This was al part of your plan wasn’t it. You thought you could make it look like Danny’s if you got the chance, that’s why you came to the party, and when that didn't work you figured I was a good enough stand in because I’m rich.”

Outraged I stood up but instantly sat back down when I almost blacked out from lightheadedness. “I can’t do this right now. Please I feel awful, and I have to see a doctor.

Besides, there are things you need to know when I feel better.”

“I’m not buying any of this. It would be just like a woman to think she could trap me into marriage by becoming pregnant. I’m not getting married and you're not getting any money.

You're probably lying about feeling sick just so we don’t have to deal with this right now, I don’t buy it for one minute.” I heard the note of agitation in his voice, it was control ed but barely.

I had to get away from him, he was making me so stressed, so I took a chance and stood up again. “Stop. I need you to stop, I’m going to be sick again, stop yelling.”

I walked towards him, hoping to make him see how miserable I felt, reached my hand out and then everything went dark.

Chapter Thirteen


I caught her just in time as Eloise fainted. My arms reached out to catch her weak, lifeless body before she landed on the floor.

I was furious, there was no way that baby was mine, no way it was mine. I wouldn’t believe that until there was a paternity test, and I would have that done as soon as possible. I should have seen it coming, all these years I’d never been played a fool by any woman and now this lying, thieving, deceitful woman was determined to ruin my life and my reputation while weaseling money out of me.

I didn't have time to think, laid her on the bed and immediately called my good friend Shawn who was a doctor to drop by.

“Those tests are usually pretty accurate Wes.”

I paced the kitchen, Eloise stil passed out. “I know but I don’t think that I’m the father.”

“Maybe not but that remains to be seen, either way I have to go check on her now. We can figure that out later. Stay away from her now so you're not stressing her out, stress isn’t a good thing. Your secrets are safe with me, but sooner or later it was bound to happen, you're like Hugh Hefner.”

I threw him a look. “I’m not that bad.”

“Yeah okay. Listen what she told you is true; you’ve known each other for around two weeks which means that the first time you were together could have been it. It’s not always likely that a woman will see it on a pregnancy test so soon but it's not entirely impossible. Let me check her out and see and we will talk later.”

I let him go, what else could I do. I didn't really know her or her health that well. She could have health issues I didn't know about. I had to let him do his check up to make sure she was safe and okay.

I paced the house waiting for a good hour before my friend Shawn came out of the room. I was on edge, worried either way. I felt angry, thinking she played me for a fool and was planning on capturing me or my brother with whatever her plans were.

I was astounded by how jealous I felt. Normally it never bothered me when a woman had another man. I was comfortable in my own skin and never felt threatened or bothered up until this point.

This took me by surprise as I waited, it kept running through my mind, who the man might be and if she had something permanent with him. We had a lot to talk about after and I expected straight answers out of her.

I couldn’t continue using her as my housekeeper even if she needed to pay for al she’d done.

And using her in the bedroom as my own personal playmate was not acceptable either.

I might be a bit ruthless and demand a lot from women, but I wasn’t heartless and mean. When Shawn finally came out of the room my chest felt tight from all the endless thinking I’d done.

“How is she?”

“She’s awake and fine. She’s definitely pregnant, and not very far along, I’d say 2-3 weeks which means unless she was with someone right before she was with you it’s your baby.

Unless she was with someone, while she was with you?” He eyed me up questioningly. “But she swears it’s yours.”

I nodded, grabbed a drink from the refrigerator and collapsed on the couch. “What the hell am I going to do Shawn? This baby can’t be mine. I wonder if it’s Danny's; she always had a thing for him and showed up at the party for some odd reason. I have yet to figure out what that was.

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