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She handed me a tissue; I took it blindly and half listened to her.

“So, my plan is to pawn off some things, so I have some money in the bank here and there.

That’s why I’m at the pawn shop. Luis says if I get him enough money, he will leave his girlfriend and marry me. So, if I can do that quickly and make my money, he will leave her and he said we can run away to Mexico together and get married although I’m not sure if I want to do that, I don’t love him, and he doesn’t love me, but the sex is good. If that doesn’t work, I plan on marrying Danny and taking him for everything he’s worth. He’s so smitten he doesn’t even want a prenup, imagine that.”

I could hardly breath, let alone think straight, her words hit suddenly like a brick to the side of my head. “So that’s why you’ve been going to the pawn shop, I was wondering.”

She laughed again. “Of course, you don’t think I would go there for anything else, do you?

Goodness no. One way or another I am coming out on top and then I plan on giving up the baby. In Mexico I can make even more money selling my baby off to a rich family and between that and the money I make, otherwise I will be rich and set for the rest of my life.”

I was confused now and looked at Sienna. “I thought you came from a rich family. And Danny is rich so why worry?”

“I did, but after I met Luis a few years back and father hated him, he disowned me. We’ve been messing around for years, Luis and I. Danny doesn't know that my father disowned me because I have some secrets about my father that he doesn't want anyone to know, it would wreck his reputation so he pretends like we are stil family so I can secure my own future.”

I was speechless at this point, my body shaking from the anxiety of it all and I realized I had to get away from Sienna and her crazy plan for her future that would severely hurt Danny and whoever this man Luis was in the end.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” I put my head in the toilet and threw up what I had in my stomach which was very little. I vaguely heard what Sienna was saying before she left the bathroom.

“Ew, I’m sorry honey, I have to go. I know I can trust you with my secrets because if not I am going to find a way to pin it on you. Anyway, keep my secret safe if you know what’s good for you and I wil keep yours safe. Feel better.”

I heard the door open and close, her laughter distant as she walked away from me and the bathroom. I was relieved she was gone so I could die in peace. I welcomed the silence for a while and clutched the test kit in my hands as I tried to let it all sink in.

I’m pregnant with Wes’s baby, now what am I going to do? I know what I’m not going to do, I’mnot going to give up the baby. Whether or not he wants to be a father at this point I am ready tobe a mother, besides it will be a memory from the time we shared.

I cried some more, and when I shed all the tears I had I stared at myself in the mirror until a knock sounded at the door. “Are you okay in there Eloise?”

It was Wes, he sounded concerned. “Yes, just give me a moment, I haven’t been feeling too well, I threw up a few times.”

I rinsed my mouth out one more time, buried the test kit in the garbage and opened the door.

“Wow, you don’t look good. I am ready to go home. We need to talk too. Did you talk to Sienna about whatever woman problems you were having?”

“I did, thank you.”’ I slipped past Wes, turning my belly away from him. I had to see a doctor to confirm the pregnancy just to make sure and see what I should expect. “I need to see my doctor.”

“Okay, just give me a minute, I need to use the bathroom before we go. Don’t go anywhere I will be right there. Sit down, you look like a ghost, like you're going to pass out.”

I sat on the bed across the hall and waited. My stomach was still churning and the thought of food or anything other than laying down and resting made me feel sicker. I had to talk to the doctor as quickly as possible.

Two minutes later Wes came out the door. “Okay, let's get you back to my house. I think Danny was taking Sienna to their room for some time alone so it’s unlikely you will see him before leaving, I already said goodbye to Sienna.”

He helped me to the car after throwing the driver a look, his arm on mine for support, the other around my shoulder. “Here, let me help you in. If you feel sick let me know, I don’t want you throwing up in the limo.”


I was so thankful when we made it home, he said we had to talk but didn't, and I was grateful.

He helped me into bed and got me some water. I was so tired from all my stress and anxiety that I couldn’t even think to thank him when I rolled over and sunk my head into the pillow.

“Rest now. I will check on you later.” My head hurt so much I was lucky I fell asleep after that.

I woke a while later; he was sitting across from me in the chair looking at me dead serious. It took me a moment to wake and sit up, when I did, he was still quiet. “What?” I sipped my water.

“I found this in the trash can. I thought you were on birth control. Is this what that was all about, you needed to talk to another woman because you thought you were pregnant?”

“I am pregnant.”

“I know, and whose baby is it because we haven’t known each other that long.”

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