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“I need to talk to you for a few minutes? When we are done with breakfast, can I see you privately in the bedroom?”

“Sure.” Wes looked confused.

Half an hour later we were sitting in the room, the door locked. He scrolled through his phone.

“So, what’s up?”

His distance and the lack of affection or desire to be close and touch wasn’t upsetting to me. I was relieved, I didn't want to catch feelings, so distance was best, but I felt miserable, nonetheless. Still, I couldn’t resist the sexual attraction I felt for him.

I had a hard time focusing on what I needed to say. I looked at him, my body soft and hot at the mere thought of grabbing his phone, tossing it aside and straddling him. Licked my lips as the visual fantasy ran through my mind. Feeling his hard cock pressed against me, running my hands through his hair as I ground my pussy against him in invitation. I shivered and buried that thought for a moment.

“I discovered something yesterday.” I couldn’t reveal too much, I didn't want Wes to know everything yet, as I was not sure about everything I’d seen yet. I had to keep some of it secret, so Wes didn't go flipping out on Sienna until I knew the truth.

“Yeah, what’s that?”

“I saw your ring yesterday in a pawn shop. It has a black onyx in the middle, two diamonds on either side, it’s titanium with engraving on either side. I can take you there today if you want?”

“What? When? Where?” He was beside me in a heartbeat, I saw the flash of anger in his eyes, his hand took a hold of my arm. “You took it didn't you and you sold it at a pawn shop hoping to make it look like you didn’t. If you didn't take it, you wouldn't know what it looks like to tell me would you?”

I was caught, I didn't know what to do at this point. I had to either throw Sienna under the bus or throw myself under the bus, I didn't know what was best. Feeling a headache coming on I pinched the bridge of my nose and thought.

Wes was up, standing in front of me, waiting for an answer. “Well?” He was angry, and I was in trouble. The charged energy between us intensified my passion for him. Makeup sex was the best kind of have when emotions were high. My mind blurred for a moment, I had to close my eyes and ignore that raw need to rub his cock through his clothes and change everything for a few minutes. I felt the wetness between my thighs and blanked my thoughts away forever mindful of how wet I felt.

Rather than throw Sienna under the bus at this moment I decided to throw myself there and would pay whatever consequences came. I was already on Wes’s list of people he didn't like.

He already thought I was a horrible person so it would be nothing new.

“Fine, I took it. And I sold it at a pawn shop. I can get it back, I promise. Just give me a few hours to go get it.” I knew I was flirting with disaster, considering Wes and Danny were very powerful people with a long reach in the community since they were so wealthy and their family name, but I needed time.

I needed time to figure out exactly what Sienna was about, I didn't know if she needed the money for some reason, and I didn’t want to see Danny or his family get hurt. I lifted my chin and went toe to toe with Wes, challenging him to whatever might come until I figured out the whole story.

“You’d better get it back. In fact, I need to go with you, I want to make sure nothing else was taken from this house by your hand. I knew you were a gold digging, thieving, ruthless woman.”

He clenched his hands into fists angrily and for a moment I thought he was going to smash something, but he controlled it and opened the door. “Let’s go princess and when this is done, I don’t ever want to see your face again. You might think you can weasel your way back into Danny’s heart, but not mine. I don’t care how good we were in bed, or how much I might miss it when you're gone, I don’t like thieves, liars, cheats, and gold-digging women.”

I didn't debate any of it with him and followed through the house to the limo waiting outside.

When we arrived, I was surprised how easily I found the place and walked inside.

The owner must have recognized me, because he smiled when I came in, then frowned when he saw Wes. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, I need to see that ring I sold you yesterday.” He looked confused for a moment, scratched his bald head, and moved to the case where it lay.

“Of course, here it is.” He waved his hand in the air in dismissal. “I see so many people who come in here selling things I can’t always remember.”

Wes frowned. “How much?”

“For you, I give you a deal, ten thousand three hundred. It is worth so much more but since your friend brought it in yesterday, I will give you a deal. It is going to move fast, so you will want to take that offer. I had a woman looking at it this morning. It’s…. how do you say, priceless, rare, unique?”

Wes made a growling sound which I should have been scared by, so the shop owner took a step back. “If the price is too high, I have another ring over in this case?” His voice was nervous but controlled. I wanted to laugh. He was bigger than Wes, but Wes had a very intimidating demeanor, and I was certain most men wouldn’t mess with him.

“That won’t be necessary. Did my friend here bring in anything else yesterday, if you can remember? Anything that didn't already get sold?”

The owner looked at me for confirmation. I knew full well what he was asking and made a mental note that later I would have to come back and question him about Sienna. I nodded.

“Yes, I have a few things your friend brought yesterday, nothing sold yet. Everything is over in this case, and I can sel it all to you for a reasonable price.”

Wes followed him to the case, his family heirloom ring now again on his finger, murder in his eyes. “Interesting.” He pinned me with a look. “I’m sorry, my maid here must have thought we didn't want these things. I might have to fire her after this little incident. Whatever the cost, give it all to me, as I need it back. Is there anything else?”

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