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The pawn shop owner looked thoughtful, almost pitying me, and then smiled. “Yes, there is one other thing, I was going to give it to my girlfriend, but if you pay the right price, you can have it back.”

The man was in his element, getting into the spirit of things considering Wes was prepared to pay whatever price necessary to have the stuff back. Together they walked to the back of the shop, I followed close on their heels, prepared to make a note of anything else I knew belonged to Danny, Wes, and their family before leaving.

Shelves were lined with boxes, assorted household and other objects from who knew where. I saw nothing else that belonged to his family and sighed heavily, relieved, and worried. I knew not what was to come of me after this was over.

Wes could easily call the police and have me arrested, and I would end up in jail. Suddenly my ideas about keeping my mouth shut were a mistake and I wanted to say something. When we stopped at a shelf which held a lovely crystal figurine of a woman, I was stunned.

Yesterday when I visited, I didn't see Sienna pull that out of her bag, but I knew it was Danny’s, his mother was a collector of fine crystal figurines and after she’d passed away a few years ago, all the brothers were given a few of them to remember her by, according to Danny.

“This, here it is. She brought this to me yesterday, as I said, I was going to give it to my girlfriend but if your price is right, I will give her something else. It is her birthday tomorrow.”

The owner proudly boasted, clearly very much in love with his girlfriend.

Again, my mind strayed temporarily as I compared Wes to the man beside me. There was no comparison in my eyes. His hands were big and strong, I wanted them all over my skin, gripping my ass, slipping into my pussy, and cupping my tits. I swallowed hard, hoping to focus because I was in a world of trouble.

Wes groaned, turned to me, his eyes burning with fury. “Whatever you want, name your price and it better be reasonable, I know how much that piece and everything else is worth so don’t mess with me. Your shop depends on it.”

The shop owner looked stunned, his eyes wide with worry. “No, I will be fair. Please take it and I will give you a price for everything in a moment.” He walked away, leaving us alone.

Wes leaned into me; the figurine clutched in his hands. “You are lucky I don’t call the police on you, but I realize there are other ways of punishing a woman like you. You have a huge debt to pay princess and you’d better be prepared to pay whatever I say, or I will cal the police.”

He held his hand out, his eyes sparkling with whatever wicked thoughts he had running through his mind. I knew it was bad, he was smiling. If Wes was like his brother, when he smiled wickedly when mad it meant he had something very devilish on his mind.

Internally I cringed, uncertain how this was going to affect the rest of my life. I had a job to get back to soon, and a life, apartment, and family. Wes was unpredictable, Danny had always said out of all his brothers, he was a wild card. I blinked away the worry and fear running through my mind.

There was nothing I could do now except play the cards I’d chosen and wait. I wondered how this was going to affect my friendship with Sienna so I could figure out what she was about before Danny married her.

The transaction was completed smoothly, I knew better than to say anything and kept my mouth shut until we got in the limo with all the things that belonged to Wes and his family. He was still mad but whatever was on his mind had satisfied him enough to relax him a bit.

“Well, with that out of the way I should tel you my plans for you princess. The way I see it, you can pay me back by being my maid, amongst other things. I’ve never actually had one, and Danny always told me I should. You will be free in my employ for as long as I see fit and if you disobey this, I will contact the police. But there is one more thing….” He laughed.

I was outraged, looked out the window to the people passing by on the street as we moved, and contemplated naming Sienna and seeing what happened. I had a feeling that wouldn't work as somehow it would come back to me unless I had evidence to back up my claim, I’d botched things up already so that was a bad move.

I had to reason with him somehow. “What’s the other thing?” I looked at him, saw the hatred and dark humor in his eyes, swallowed my fear at my fate being in his hands and cursed my stupidity.

“Well, since I enjoyed our time very much, you will, how can I say this be my new playmate until I see fit to release you from your punishment.”

Outraged, I flipped. “I am not going to be your personal playmate or maid for however long you see fit. Call the police, have them take me to jail, do whatever you must but you have to prove I took that stuff first.”

He laughed. “You confessed it to me just earlier. It will be your word against mine princess.”

He looked humored but I saw the controlled anger, and hatred behind his humor.

I knew there was no way to win with his family's reputation. Defeated, I turned away. “The least you could do is give me a time frame. One week, two, what?” I had to bargain with him, I was not going to jail and getting a bad reputation for something I didn't do, I had to find a way out.

It wasn’t that I wouldn’t enjoy playing master and slave with Wes, but his brooding personality, always hot and cold, and the way he treated me and didn't trust me irritated me. It hurt my feelings and I knew if we went on much longer, I might lose myself to him and this insane game he wanted to play.

I wanted him, over and over I couldn’t get it out of my head, my need and want for him. The desire to touch him, caress his body, taste the salty sweetness of his lips, hear his husky voice in my ear was always there.

Still, I knew it would become an addiction, this feeling I had for him, the way Wes made me feel.

Every time I shook it away, it came back and paying penance for whatever he thought I should, would only make things worse.

I heard his heavy sigh, kept my eyes fixated on the people outside as we pulled up to what I knew as his address. I gripped the handle of the door tight, prepared to stay in the limo if we didn't come to some kind of agreement.

I hated him, I didn't want to be forced to be anyone’s playmate, even a man like Wes, a man that made me feel things no man ever had. I didn't want to be a prostitute and hated him for putting me in such a position but realized I’d done it myself.

“Fine, two weeks. Two weeks you take care of my house as I request, prepare my meals, and service me in other ways when I want, and I will release you from the contract. Hopefully by then you will have learned your lesson and won’t steal from anyone again and leave me and my family alone forever.”

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