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Tell me something unusual, something that will entertain me about you, your childhood, wild sex escapade, something.” If I was forced to talk to a She Devil who was probably plotting stealing from my family again so I didn't lose sight of her I figured I might as well be amused. Besides it would get me in the mood because my mind and body were at war, I wanted her but hated her.

“Well, okay let me think.” I watched as she sipped her champagne and wondered for a split second how I could get her in bed, have my way with her and then escort her out the building never to see her again.

“Don’t think too hard and hurt that beautiful brain of yours.” I mentally cursed myself the moment that rolled off my lips. The last thing I wanted was to be flirting with a gold digger, one I knew for a fact would wipe my bank account clean if given the opportunity no matter how sexy she looked. Her copycat appearance was really unsettling for me.

She smiled cheekily at me. “So, you think I have a beautiful brain? How is that possible, the same brain you thought schemed against your family and stole from them. I have to say that’s interesting, either you have a thing for bad girls, or you can’t hold your liquor anymore and you’ve already had too much to drink.”

I ignored her, listened to the other guests cheering and smiled to myself. At least one of my brother’s was happy. I of course was never going to marry and would keep myself occupied with the delectable single women across the globe. “You were going to tell me something exciting.”

Her eyes twinkled. “Oh, yes. Let me see, well there was the time I had sex at my mother’s anniversary party. I was dating this guy Tim, we thought we’d spice things up and use the balcony off their bedroom. Well, I forgot that it connected to the main balcony and well let’s just say when they moved the party outdoors everyone heard and saw us. I have to say I will never forget the look on my father’s face as he got a full frontal of us, my hands on the iron railing, Tim screwing me so hard I thought I’d die. I could do nothing but laugh. We both laughed, my mother was quick to send everyone back inside, but I would be damned if some of their friends were not pausing just a bit longer to have a good look.” She leaned back and studied the sky with me. “What about you Wes, you must have so many sex stories you could put them in Playgirl.”

I smiled at the thought. “I guess I can share one, it’s not something I normally do, I prefer to respect the women I’m with even if they mean nothing to me other than sex.”

I cleared my throat and thought for a moment, tried to conjure up the most insane, dirty, or wicked event I’d ever experienced and then thought better of it. I had to be careful, Eloise was the kind of woman a man couldn’t trust, in any way.

I let a few circulate in my mind and chose one from a few years back that I knew wouldn’t cause any harm should someone find out. “Okay. I forgot my brother was going to the family's beach house, you’ve been there. Well, I took the liberty of using it for a weekend getaway with this woman I was trying to bed for a while. There we are completely naked, making use of the stairs when he walks in with one of his biggest clients. Everyone was stunned, even me, but I refused to stop what I was doing, driven by my own carnal needs. After he came to his senses he turned and left, got them a hotel room for the night. We were completely naked, sweaty and in one of the most shocking kama sutra positions you can imagine.”

I started laughing, still amused after all these years. “Somehow my brother managed to craft a story that he’d forgotten about offering the house to a couple that were making a pornographic movie. They believed it, and he got the contract for that sole reason. They said they liked his innovative and forward-thinking skills and ability to branch out into other territories fearlessly. I thought I deserved a cut of that contract, but Danny refused.”

Chapter Six


For a few moments it felt so normal and fun, sitting with Wes and having conversations like old friends. It was shockingly comfortable and exciting. I wasn’t at all surprised by his sexcapades and didn't mind sharing a few of mine but then reality hit again. I wanted him so much, I told myself just one. I just needed one night to screw over and over, feel every inch of him including his very large, enticing dick and be done.

“Wes, Eloise, I see the two of you made peace, this is amazing. Sienna, come over here darling.”

Danny stood there looking his usual, fun, casual and adorable self, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would have been like to still be with him if the devil beside me hadn’t ruined it, that is until Sienna wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Yes, darling, what is it?”

“I think it would be great if you and Eloise got to know each other, we are good friends you know, or at least we used to be before my knucklehead brother got in the way. I told you, that silly scheme he contrived, telling me she was trying to steal from the family, pure insanity.”

I watched fascinated how smitten Danny was with Sienna, he kissed her lips, her forehead and hair, his eyes looked adoringly at her. “I love you my adorable kitten, I can’t wait until we are married.”

“Me either, but yes, Eloise, if you are free tomorrow, maybe we can go shopping together, get to know each other. I want to know all about Danny, al those secrets he hides from me.”

“Sure.” I smiled wickedly over the rim of my glass at Danny. I couldn’t suppress my laughter. “I have some really good stories to tell, you might regret that, Danny.”

“Not a chance, I probably forgot half of them, besides if you and Wes work out, who knows. I mean you do look a lot like his secret fantasy woman, I think it looks great on you, the only difference between you and Alexandra is the height.”

He snuggled his bride to be, I was momentarily enamored with the transformation and wondered what it would take for a woman like me who was perpetually forever the bridesmaid to find my forever man.

I wasn’t ready for that kind of love yet, but it intrigued me, nonetheless.

“I will leave you two, to your conversation. Dessert is inside, don’t miss out, Sienna has this friend who makes the most enticing red velvet cake with liquor in it, it’s delicious.”

I watched as they walked away, and remembered I wasn’t alone. I was getting tired of hanging out with Mr. Debbie Downer who was determined to follow me everywhere and sway me from my agenda and reason for being at their family home to begin with. I had to find what I came for in this house.

I had to find a way to get rid of him, fast. I downed the rest of my champagne, eyed him sideways and caught him looking at me. Time to put my plan into action. “So, what do you say we go have a bit of fun Wes, just you and me? You can call me Alex if you want. I know I’m not your first choice, and probably not even on the list but right now I wanted to suck your cock and run my teeth over every inch of you. It's driving me crazy. You’re so hard right now the only thing I keep thinking is how do I get to fuck him.”

I rested my hand close to his shaft on his leg again, and let my eyes do the talking, hopeful he would take the hint. He said nothing at first. He looked down at my hand, then back at me, and smirked. “I don’t know, I think we might be able to find a quiet place to have some fun.”

His hand came up and curled in my hair, he pulled me close, I didn’t stop him when he kissed me. Judging by our earlier time in the elevator which had been amazing, at the very least we would be good in bed. I had some time to kill and with any luck he would be so exhausted after I could do what I came to do.

My body was primed and ready for some hot sex, our bodies pounding against each other over and over again. I wanted to arouse him to the point of madness, a slow torture as I groped and tantalized every inch of him before sliding his dick inside me. Oddly I’d come to wrap Danny around my finger, but now I wanted to tease him and wrap him around my finger instead. The thought of soothing that ache and making him worship me like a queen was all I could think about.

He tasted like champagne, his smooth fingers on my neck. I didn't waste any time showing how serious I was, so I swept into the moment of our earlier interlude and our conversation. I climbed on his lap, straddled him, and rubbed myself hard against his shaft, feeling its hardness.

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