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“Carson—” Lisa started.

“But I guess I should have figured. He was always good at sweet-talking the ladies. Especially gullible ones like you.”

My temper shot through the roof. It wasn’t so much because of his insult to me but the one he issued to her. He just called her gullible. I saw the flash of hurt and knew her pride stung at the reminder of how I hurt her. That was when I lost it. I grabbed him by the shirt and shoved him against the wall. He responded by trying to throw a punch, which I avoided, and I sent my knee into his gut instead. He doubled over. I wanted to do more, but suddenly, Lisa was crying out behind us.

“Stop! Both of you stop!”

I didn’t want to. Now that I finally had Carson in my hands, I wanted to keep pummeling him. And this had nothing to do with our past. This had everything to do with his relationship with Lisa.

He hadn’t protected her. He’d done the bare minimum as her brother, not shielding her from his cold, unfeeling father. Heck, he hadn’t even protected her from me when I first used her. He should have found me that night and kicked my ass for what I did to her. It was what I would have done if she were my sister. I would have found whatever asshole broke her heart and made him pay in blood. And the fact that this coward had never done anything like that, choosing instead to sit back and nurse his reputation, made my blood boil.

“Get the fuck out,” I growled. “Before I ignore her request and pummel your teeth in.”

“Your little plan isn’t going to work,” Carson said, gasping between words. “You won’t be able to separate us. She’ll always be my sister.”

“Carson, he isn’t trying to do anything.” Lisa’s voice sounded exasperated. “And I don’t think Carson has anything to do with this either. So you can both put your dicks away and talk cordially or say your goodbyes. Because my daughter is still upstairs, and I don’t want her to accidentally walk in on her father and uncle killing each other.”

The two of us continued to stare at each other, but finally, I let him go. “Leave.”

Carson glanced between the two of us and said, “I’ll go. But this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me.” As he walked to the door, he stopped where his sister was standing and took her hand. “I didn’t do this, sis. I swear. I’m going to get to the bottom of it.”

She nodded and gave him a weak smile. “I know.” Then she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. I turned away, annoyed at how gracious she was being to the man who may have set her up to be murdered. But I always knew my woman was far too kind for her own good.

The second he left, I turned to her. “Why the fuck did you do that?”

She sighed and suddenly looked very tired. “I don’t think he did it. Carson isn’t like that.”

“He may not have done it, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t covering for his dad.”

“I know.” She massaged her forehead again. “If you don’t mind, I don’t really want to talk about this right now.”

She didn’t want to talk about it? My frustration grew. Because it was all that I wanted to talk about. I wanted us to immediately narrow down a list of suspects, and then I could go to each of them one by one until I forced a confession out of someone. And once I did…

Well, they would face my wrath before the police could even make their appearance.

But while thoughts of my revenge made me feel better, they weren’t necessarily what she needed right now. And this wasn’t about me.

“What do you want?” I asked her, and she thought about it for a second.

“Can you hold me?” she requested sheepishly, rubbing her hand over her arms. “Like how you did back in the car? It made the entire world disappear for a little bit.”

My heart pounded in my chest.God, she was so sweet. The sweet way she said that shot from my heart all the way down to my cock.

Even before I pulled her into my arms and drew her closer, I knew I was going to be in trouble. She sighed into my chest, and my heart started pounding even faster. I lifted her and sat on the couch, gathering her into my arms. Her body was stiff at first, not because of my hold but because she was likely still in shock. But every time I ran my hand from her hair to her back, she relaxed more and more as she melted into my chest.

And then she started doing something else, something that sent sheer lust thundering through me. Her hand started rubbing circles over my shirt. The touch, so light and innocent, was enough to send me into an orbit of sensation, and I almost wanted to tell her to stop, but I so desperately wanted it to continue.

And when her face turned upwards, her lips slightly parted, I knew what she was asking for. And I was helpless to give it to her.

Our lips met in a soft embrace, the sweetest, most unhasty kiss we’d ever had. Unhurried, I sipped from her mouth, savoring her taste. We hadn’t kissed or had sex since our argument a week ago, and my entire body was aching for her, aching to the point where I was nearly shaking now. But I didn’t want to rush anything. She was traumatized now, and I didn’t want to take advantage of her. So I forced myself to take her by the shoulders and pull her away, shaking my head. “We should stop.”

“No.” Her whisper was soft and desperate, and damn if it didn’t have my cock straining against my pants. I struggled to remember why I stopped this or what I even wanted to say.

“You’re vulnerable now,” I choked the words out in a growl. “You’re traumatized. I shouldn’t—”

She laid her hand on my cheek, silencing the rest of my words. “It’s exactly why you should. Today has been so horrible.” Her eyes dropped to my lips, and she moved closer, her breath blowing across my lips. “Make me feel better. Just for a moment, please.”

It was the plea that made me lose my mind. I couldn’t hold back anymore, couldn’t deny her. I took her mouth in a kiss that was invasive and intimate, wrapping my hand in her hair and pulling her closer, my tongue exploring her addictive taste. I pulled her shirt down in a hurry, exposing one delicious pink-tipped breast. She gasped as I pressed it, and I knew I was going too fast, but it was hard to stop. It was hard to even breathe. But if I didn’t slow down, this would be over before it started.

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