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So, instead, I got up and swept her into my arms.

She squealed. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you to your room,” I answered. I went slowly, hammering it into my head that I didn’t want to rush this. I wanted to take my time and make her feel as loved as she deserved. When I laid her on the bed, I went back to kissing her slowly and sensually. I took my time exploring her mouth and body, stoking her lust to unbelievable heights.

My dick was weeping at that point, but this wasn’t about me. It was about her.

I continued down her body, holding her gaze as I inhaled her essence. She shook her head as I licked across her clit, and she bucked in bed. I did it again, getting high on her taste, and she breathed even harder, eliciting breathy moans. I put my hand over her mouth to keep her increasingly louder sounds from reaching her daughter, but somehow, she shifted, and my hand ended up at her neck. I tightened my hand experimentally, and she all but started grinding over my face.

Oh, fuck yeah.

I choked her lightly as I fucked my tongue into her center again and again.

“Yes,” she moaned. “Oh my god, yes!”

And then she came all over my face in a powerful trembling orgasm that stole my mind, heart, and soul.



I hummed as I walked to the dumpster, but when I saw something move in my peripheral vision, I screamed and jumped in shock, only to find one of the bodyguards Nick hired holding his hands up defensively.

“My bad,” he said apologetically. “I just wanted to see if you were okay.”

His name was Taylor, and he was a mountain of a man with tufts of red hair around a balding center and smiling green eyes. Nick had introduced us the day they’d gotten here, but we’d both been too busy to interact much.

“Oh, sorry,” I said. “I sometimes forget you guys are out here.”

Nick told me they patrolled the house all the time but always tried to remain inconspicuous. I suppose that was why I hadn’t seen much of them so far. It also explained why I’d forgotten about them being there.

I remembered meeting all five sizeable men that afternoon after Nick and I made love. They’d been waiting outside for us and hadn’t even mentioned how disheveled we both looked when we met them, even though I was super embarrassed about it. And they certainly all looked intimidatingly competent, which meant they probably came at a hefty high price. I didn’t ask Nick about the money, though, because I knew I most probably couldn’t afford it on my own, even if he told me. And I won’t let Violet be hurt for anything, not even my pride.

Taylor smiled at me. “Don’t worry, ma’am. I know it seems weird at first, but eventually, you’ll get used to having us around all the time.” There was a joking glint in his eyes. “Especially since we’re pretty easy on the eyes if you haven’t noticed.”

“Oh, I have,” I said, laughing at his pleased wink. “Although, I guess humility isn’t on the job description,” I teased.

“It’s hard to be humble when you look this good,” he quipped, rubbing his bald spot, and I laughed again. I found I liked the man. I thought I would be nervous about the whole having a set of bodyguards watching me 24/7 thing, but he had a way of putting me at ease.

“Don’t worry about a thing, ma’am,” Taylor continued as if he could read my mind. “I know we look like huge bruisers, but we’re actually pretty nice guys. Gus, the one with the scar on his cheek, is part of the knitting club in town, and Sal….” He gestured behind me. “…plays bridge with his aunt every Sunday.” I glanced over in time to see one guard in the distance glare at him, and I guessed that it was supposed to be a secret. But Taylor ignored him and added, “We’re very nice. But it’s important that we look like scary motherfuckers, so that whoever this guy is will think twice before he attacks again. He will think he's going to be mauled by a pack of wolves.”

“Is he?” I asked, amused.

“Absolutely. We take our job very seriously, especially when it comes to hitting on pretty little ladies like you.”

“Oh…erm, thanks.” This hot tamale was hitting on me? Unbelievable. But while I was lightly flattered, it didn’t raise my interest even the least bit. “My fiancé will be very happy to hear that.”

“Fiancé?” He stroked his beard. “Damn, I was scared that was going to be the case. Although, I don’t see a ring?” He gave me a hopeful look.

I glanced down at my bare finger, realizing I had forgotten to put it back on after my last interrupted visit to my mother. “I just forgot it,” I told him, amused by the exaggerated distraught look on his face. “Do you read the news?”

“No, who does in this day and age? Why do you ask?”

I shook my head. “Nothing. I’ll let you guys get back to work then. Let me know if you need anything. Bye, Sal, Gus.”

The other two guards waved at me, and I entered back into the house. My eyes felt heavy and my mind foggy, but that was likely because I didn’t get nearly enough sleep last night. Even the admittedly fantastic sex wasn’t enough to do it. I’d woken up hours later with panic in my mind. And then, in an attempt to relieve it, I started to do some mental digging, trying to find anyone who could want me dead. Despite what Nick said, I didn’t think it was Carson. And Carson was also so sure that my father didn’t do it. I didn’t believe any part of what he said about my father apparently loving me, but I was having my doubts about whether he was trying to murder me.

Although, at the same time, I started to piece together things my mother had said to me over the years.

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