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“What’s interesting?” I asked.

“You’re not his type.”

I blushed. “Yeah,” I said because I didn’t know what else to say.I’m not his type because this isn’t real.

“We met a long time ago,” I said weakly. “Maybe his type changed.”

“Or maybe not,” he said.


He gave me a knowing look. “Well, according to reports, he was heartbroken after you guys broke up. So maybe, in his efforts to get over you, he only entertained other women who were nothing like you. To prove to himself that he didn’t miss you as much. Men are strange that way.”

“It’s nothing like that.” The story was so off-base that it was laughable, but I couldn’t correct him. I already figured Gustavo had read the tabloids. I felt bad deceiving him like this, so I simply smiled weakly.

“But if it makes you feel better, honey, I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he looked at you before,” he mentioned.

That was shocking. “Really?”

“Really. I’ve seen him with a lot of women. A few of them he has sent to my store, and I have made beautiful dresses for them. Dresses that would make a goddess weep. But I have never seen him watch any of them the way he watched you tonight.” He subtly gestured to the men across from us. “I thought he would rip their eyes out when they looked at you.”

I felt my face get heated. “That’s not….” I couldn’t say anything else. I didn’t think it was true, but Gustavo needed to think it was.

It seemed Nick was a better actor than I thought…to have thoroughly tricked his friend.

“Oh no,” Gustavo suddenly announced.


“One of my clients is gesturing at me. I think she’s on the verge of a mental breakdown. I’ll talk to you later, love.”

And just like that, he was off, scampering away to a woman who did look slightly hysterical, leaving me to fend for myself.

I turned back to peek at the conversation Nick and my family was having. My father looked apoplectic, and my brother looked significantly angry. Nick, on the other hand, looked cool as a cucumber. He grinned at them and continued whatever he was saying, but his eyes were filled with dark menace.

Then, I tuned in again to my surroundings and came face to face with a man who was standing there and staring at me with a smile.

“Sorry,” I said automatically and stepped aside.

“For what?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Oh, just…I thought I was in your way.”

“A beautiful woman like you can never be in the way,” he said.

I gaped at him, then figured out he was being serious when he smiled.

“Thank you,” I responded woodenly, and he laughed.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you around before,” he said in amusement.

“Yeah,” I said nervously while looking for a way out. Not that there was anything wrong with the man, but I just didn’t have the mental energy for conversations with strangers right now. I was just about to walk away with a lame excuse when I heard a deep growl behind me.

“And you’ll never see anything again if you keep talking to her.” The voice was deadly and menacing. I turned to see Nick standing there with a savage look on his face, and it was directed at the man I was talking to.

“Nick.” I glanced at him quizzically. “What are you….”

“Walk away,” he snarled, still looking at the man. “Now.”

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