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I turned in time to see the abject fear on the man’s face as he nodded and then scurried off, tripping over his feet in the process. I turned back to Nick. “What the hell was that?”

He shook his head as he took my hand. “Nothing. We’re leaving.”

“Leaving? But…we just got here.” I struggled to keep up with his long strides as we marched away from the entrance and into a long hallway. “Where are we going?”

“Toward the back. No cameras. The valet will meet us outside.”

“But, Nick, I don’t understand. I thought we were supposed to come here to prove—”

I nearly bumped into his back when he stopped in his steps to turn to look at me. Something primal lurked in his eyes.

“We have to leave,” he said slowly as if restraining himself. “Because if one more of those bastards in there so much as looks at you, I’m going to kill them. And then I’m going to fuck you up against the wall so they can all watch.”

I gasped at his vulgar words, but at the same time, they stirred something in me, something best left unexplored.

Something irresistible.

The forbidden urge seemed to grow on the car ride home. We both sat in silence, neither of us giving voice to the dirty desires lurking within but somehow sensing it anyway. I saw Nick’s hand squeeze the steering wheel hard several times, and he completely refused to look at me. I didn’t take offense at it. I knew I was looking at a man on the edge.

The smart thing to do would be to not test him.

Soon enough, we were back at my place, and I was relieved to be out of the car, where I could finally breathe without the lust choking the atmosphere.

“Wow, that was quick,” Amy said, smiling as we walked in. “Violet already ate dinner, and she’s in bed. Would you like me to stay longer?”

“No,” I heard Nick say behind me as I headed up to my room, needing to be away from him so I could think again. “That won’t be necessary.”

I burst into my room, heading for the window and throwing it open. The late summer breeze should have calmed the lust storming within me. But unfortunately, it didn’t.

I didn’t think anything could.

The door opened and shut behind me, and I turned around to see Nick standing there, looking every inch like a caged animal. Except he seemed like he was about to burst out of his restraints any moment now.

“Tell me to leave,” he growled. “Tell me to fuck off right fucking now.”

I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t force the words out, especially since I wanted the exact opposite.

“Kiss me,” I said instead, and before I had time to marvel at the fact that I said it, he was already in motion.

One hand wrapped around my neck and the other around my waist, lifting me up in his arms. I instinctively wrapped my legs around him as he spun me around until I landed with my back on the bed.

“We shouldn’t do this,” he groaned like a man desperate to retain his sanity. “We should stop.”

That would definitely have been the smart thing to do. But instead, I leaned up and kissed him.



Her kiss stole whatever goodwill I had left and robbed me of my conscience. My brain drowned under an avalanche of desire so potent that all I could see was her flushed cheeks and the lust in her expression. The same way she’d looked that night in high school. Memories mingled with the present as I dragged her mouth to mine again, hungry for more.

I needed more than a taste this time. I needed the full damn course.

Our tongues clashed and tangled in her mouth as I demanded dominance of her lips. She moaned and yielded control, driving my lust even higher. I tried to repress the urge to rush, to go faster and gobble her up in one bite. The urgency was a strong force within me, so strong you would think I hadn’t had sex in years.

I had, but it wasn’t like this. Sex, for me, was usually fun, a welcome distraction, not this all-consuming power. I didn’t think I’d ever had sex like this before, and we’d barely even started.

Maybe you’re feeling something for her.

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