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I rubbed my chin to cover up my smile at the defiant look she shot me. She was right that I was testing her, but I hadn’t exactly gotten away unscathed, either. If she looked down, she would see that I was sporting an obvious erection.

I couldn’t deny that the memory of that night got me hard again. God, she had been insatiable, her body giving and giving until she fell over in my arms. When I entered her, she didn’t hold back either, even though I could tell she was a virgin. I’d tried to stop then, to ask her if she was sure, but god, the feel of her…she was so wet, so unbearably hot and tight and sweet. There was no hope of me stopping the tidal wave of manic pleasure that followed.

And I wanted it again.

I’d replayed the scene for weeks after, nearly reaching out to her a few times, but I always stopped myself. One night was good. But a casual friend-with-benefits situationship with a girl like Lisa…eventually, she would want more. And I couldn’t give her more, not then and not now.

But I wondered if she changed,I thought as my dick throbbed uncomfortably. She was attracted to me now but was able to control it and didn’t seem crazy about a relationship with me anyway. And while this arrangement was strictly for show, there was no reason we couldn’t enjoy a little no-strings-attached fun. As long as both of us set the scores.

You set the score with all those other women too, but they still ended up getting their feelings hurt.

I sighed, pulling myself out of my lustful thoughts. Therein lay the danger. Because I couldn’t afford another scandal right on the tail end of this one, and she was the key to reviving my reputation. It would probably be best for our relationship to stay entirely platonic.

But the temptation lingered nevertheless.

“Where is Violet right now?” I asked again, forgetting that I had already asked her.

“In daycare. I already told you,” she responded and cleared her throat. “She’s usually in daycare whenever I have to come to work.”

I nodded. “Is there anyone to look after her when you’re not there? A grandmother or something?”

She shook her head. “No. Just a babysitter when she’s available. It’s why I prefer to work from home. So that I can watch Violet while I work.”

“You should get a nanny.”

She gave me a tight smile. “I can’t afford one. And even if I could, I don’t want my child raised by a nanny.”

I frowned at the first statement, then remembered we still needed to talk about her financial situation. Regardless, I would provide whatever my daughter needed, but I also wanted to make sure Lisa was provided for as well. I wouldn’t have the mother of my child living destitute.

Like her father tried to do.

I wondered what she did to the mayor that got her kicked out. I was interested in the story but knew she wouldn’t tell it to me today. We didn’t have time to get into it either, so we would have to save it for another day.

“What are you doing today?” I asked.

“Finalizing the options for the initial design proposal for the mobile storefront.”

“Perfect. Come back in thirty minutes. My meeting ends by then,” I said. “I assume our daughter’s daycare closes at a reasonable hour?”

She nodded.

“Good, then we’ll go pick her up together.”

“No.” She shook her head, something resembling panic flashing through her eyes. “I don’t…she doesn’t know anything about this. About you.”

I cocked my eyebrow. “You know, for this pretense to work, I’ll have to meet her, right?”

“Yes, I know.” Even though she didn’t exactly look happy about the fact. “But…I want to explain it to her first before she knows you’re her dad.”

She’s a kid. How much of an explanation does she need?

I sighed. It would be better to set things straight as soon as possible, but Lisa’s gaze was so pleading that I couldn’t deny her.

“Fine,” I said, giving in. “But make sure you tell her soon.”

She swallowed and nodded.

“Good,” I said. “See you then.”

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