Page 26 of Forever Fabled

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“I irritated her – a lot and probably at a horrific time in her life. Someone very close to her had just died and in swoops a man with zero tact. I really don’t know how she puts up with me, but I can’t live without her… which is why I’m here,” Reaper said openly. “She starts and finishes my day – every day.”

“I see,” Austin said quietly, thinking about his own friendship with Giselle. He looked forward to the emails each day and this newest twist where they were going to meet. He wanted to see her every day, even if it was only for five to ten minutes under the cover of darkness so they could keep this a secret.

“I think I’m going to have my coffee and write Sophie now,” Reaper chuckled, shaking his head… and Austin nodded, feeling chagrined. He wasn’t very good company, if the man was talking to himself.

Opening his email again, he wanted to draw her out a bit more…


Let’s do something fun and different… let’s create our own story. Each of us writes a line and the other builds on it. We can keep this going between us and have some fun with it. What do you think? I’ll start – because I’m lame and taking the simple route.

“Once upon a time…”

Now you create the next line in our story.

Yours truly,


Getting up from his seat, Austin nodded to Reaper.

“I think I’m gonna go hit the showers and mess hall,” Austin began and hesitated. “I really appreciate you listening and talking to me. It’s nice to know that I’ve got someone to talk to if I need it – and I’m really glad you set me straight.”

“Everyone needs someone they can talk to, Sparky,” Reaper said quietly. “Valkyrie was my person, and he never said much, but when he did – I listened. He really pulled me through when my mom died and was there again for a few of us when one of our own crashed.”

Austin nodded silently. It was strange to think of having someone to support you when he could only depend on himself for the longest time.

“Anything you need – just say the word, brother.”

“Thank you… and I mean it.”

“You’re welcome,” Reaper acknowledged – and smirked. “And I mean it.”

Grinning, he gave him a loose salute and walked off, ready to start his day.

* * *

Several hours later,after lunch, he popped in quickly to check his email and couldn’t help the laughter that escaped him as he read Giselle’s email.

You slippery fiend!

What a great idea… and a lame start – really?! REALLY? Fine. Two can play that game and now the ball is back in your court, Sir Knight.

“Once upon a time…

Long, long ago…”


Austin grinned – imagining her reaction. He quickly hit reply and knew she would be boiling (or laughing) when she got this email back. She had taken the easy way out also, in retaliation to him – and knew exactly how she would reply once more.

That was perfectly okay, too.

He was giving her this ‘out’ so they could play along and relax… and he was enjoying this so much.

Fiend? Fiend?

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