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“Yes,” he said. “I do.”

And then he kissed me, and I lost my mind altogether. I never meant to have sex with him, but once it began, I was too swept up in the excitement to stop. I couldn’t think about anything besides the taste of him and the feel of his hands on my body, sliding into my panties, touching my clit. The arousal swept through me and stole all my good sense, allowing him to use me however he felt.

No, that wasn’t fair. He didn’t just use me for a quick fuck. It wouldn’t have hurt so much if that was all he did. I would have written him off as a jackass and moved on.

But he did the opposite. Sex with him was like being on a roller coaster, but all the focus was on you. He created a storm within me, making sure he stoked my lust to unimaginable heights. He made me orgasm again and again until I could barely breathe, much less say my name. And only then did he finally thrust inside me and rock himself until we both came.

And I still wanted more.

He gave me the best sex of my life, made me crave him, and then revealed to me that it was all a lie.

“You were insatiable that night.” My eyes flew open as his voice got even darker, even closer. Something within me was awakening. His hand touched my cheek, and I knew I should shake it off, but I didn’t. I couldn’t move. I was trapped by his stare, his voice.

“Are you scared that if you give in to me again, you won’t be able to leave? That I’ll ruin you for other men?”

It was so scarily close to the truth that I was rendered stunned.

He sounded amused by the possibility, which was what allowed me to snap out of the trance.

“Hardly,” I said, proud that my voice sounded stable, breezy even. I got up and stepped back. “That’s not why I don’t want to go along with the pretense. I just have no desire to be attached to you in a date or marry scheme.”

Surprise flashed through his expression for a second, and then he started laughing, a true belly laugh that radiated through him.

“Man,” he said. “You’re always full of surprises, Lisa.”

I crossed my hands over my chest, ignoring his clear amusement at my expense while waiting for him to say something else.

“Well, the feeling is mutual,” he added. “Which is what makes you perfect for the role.”

“I don’t understand.” I frowned at him.

“The truth is that I need someone to play the role of my fake fiancée to help revive my reputation. And it would be better if this person were not to fall in love with me,” he said as he moved back. “It would only be temporary after all, and I don’t want anyone to get their feelings hurt and then start talking after it’s over.”

“Wouldn’t I need to sign a nondisclosure anyway?”

“Smart girl.” His eyes glinted with approval. “Yes, but hurt feelings can loosen lips enough for the person to decide it’s worth the risk. And I’d rather not have that.”

If he didn’t want me to fall in love with him, then why was he trying to seduce me…ah. “You were testing me.” My voice showed my annoyance.

He didn’t seem perturbed by it, only further amused. “Would it make you feel better if I told you that you passed?”

I shook my head, my annoyance only growing.

He winked, then checked his watch. “You have about thirty seconds to decide. I have a meeting.”

Thirty seconds was not enough time to make such a decision. There was still a very loud voice in my head telling me not to further attach myself to this asshole. But my love for my daughter was louder, and I couldn’t help thinking that if there was even a one percent chance Nick was right about the mayor, then I couldn’t risk it.

I sighed.

“I’m in.”



I felt an untold satisfaction at Lisa’s capitulation. And it wasn’t simply because her cooperation fit in nicely with my plans.

“You were testing me.”

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