Page 120 of Forever Fabled

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“Yes,” Reaper acknowledged. “Let’s go home.”

“We’re gonna drop these two off first – and then go home.”

Giselle smiled happily, knowing that it was going to be a brief madhouse of paperwork, picking up the keys at the title office, and then finally heading to their new home… before setting off to try to figure out how the rest of this was going to play out eventually.

She would need to get in touch with the station in Ember Creek. Austin would need to get on the schedule with Flyboys. They were going to need to start their search for a plane, figure out the car-situation, and get so many other things ironed out that the list seemed almost overwhelming sometimes.

As they piled into the vehicle, Austin and Giselle sat in the back with Ben in the car seat, she tried to keep her mind off of things by playing and talking to the toddler that was watching her with such innocent, enormous brown eyes full of happiness.

Ben was a sweet child and was making talking noises at her, trying to get her attention even if she couldn’t understand him. Even Austin was touching the child’s hand, trying to hand him a toy, and playing with him… only to feel the vehicle come to a stop.

Giselle looked up… and hesitated.

“What’s going on?” she whispered in disbelief, staring at the crowd of people that was milling about… in front of their house that she’d only seen in pictures.

“I thought we were…wait… I don’t understand. What is…?”

Her voice trailed off as she saw several of their friends turn to them and smile where they sat in the car, stunned. Austin opened the car door and got out, as Sophie turned to look over her shoulder, smiling happily.

“Welcome home… and to Flyboys, Giselle,” Sophie began. “You are part of our family now and we take care of each other. When someone is starting out, we each help out a little bit, so the burden isn’t quite so overwhelming. I hope you like our gift.”

“Whaaat?”Giselle whispered tearfully, staring at the woman before looking at the crowd again who was waiting as Austin opened her car door.

“The dining room table,” Sophie smiled. “I’ll be over next week for coffee and we’ll talk more, but right now? I just want to go home.”

“Baby-makin’ time, my love?” Reaper said quietly, causing Giselle’s mouth to drop open in shock as Sophie laughed, touching the man’s face.

“You know it, handsome. I’m so glad you are home, Ryan.”

“Mrs. Calder,” Reaper said bluntly, not looking away from Sophie. “Time to get out of the car, ma’am… I’ve got a hot date with my wife.”

Sophie’s intimate laugh combined with Reaper’s words were enough to cause Giselle to flee. She hopped out of the car quickly, shutting the door behind her, as Austin took her hand.

His face looked almost as stunned as hers – and she realized he had no idea any of this was going on either.

“Hey Spark-dog,” Firefly grinned. “Surprise!”

“What in the world is going on?”

“It’s moving day… Can’t you see that?”


“It sucks to sleep on the floor,” Glory interjected.

“Or not have any hot water,” Alpo volunteered.

“No plates or utensils,” Thumper added.

“Or a shower curtain…” Harley smiled.

“Towels, a trash can, or a broom,” Romeo chimed in, smiling at his wife who also commented. “Or sheets, a chair to sit on, and a microwave.”

“T.P.,” Delilah said sheepishly, as Armadillo burst out laughing, hugging her.

“Ceiling fans,” Valkyrie said bluntly. “This is Texas and ceiling fans are a must in every room because it can get quite sweltering here with no ocean breeze and the humidity isn’t like Ghazni, my friends.”

“I don’t understand,” Giselle said numbly as they were brought forward, tugged towards the house – only for Austin to scoop her up into his arms as he carried her over the threshold at the last minute, causing several knowing laughs around them, just before he set her down.

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