Page 70 of The Choice

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“What are you looking at, bitch?”

I’d been staring off in deep thought, but the woman’s angry voice shook me.

Realizing I’d been staring in her direction, but not at her, I answered, “Nothing.”

“Oh, so you’re calling me ‘nothing’ then?”

Here we go.

I’d seen it so many times. Whenever locked up people got bored, they started fights to keep themselves entertained. They were frustrated and taking their frustration out on someone else always felt better. I knew this because I’d picked a few fights myself when my resentment and anger overflowed and I couldn’t keep them inside any longer.

I looked her in the eye because any sign of weakness would only spur her on. “I didn’t say that.”

She stood up anyway. She was twice my size and wearing a pair of steel-toed work boots.

The woman beside me tensed and may have whimpered. But my eyes remained on the stocky woman approaching me.

While my adrenaline pumped in my veins, my body remained steady. “You gonna bump me?” I asked calmly.

She licked her lips and tightened her fists. “Yeah. Then I’m gonna hurt you.”

“Come and get me,” I said, pointing at my chest.

“Guard!” the woman beside me screamed. “Guard, get me the hell out of here!”

But no one came.

The stocky one dropped her shoulder and charged me with everything she had. I planted my feet, preparing for the impact. She came fast and furious. Her shoulder rammed into my stomach, and she pinned me against the concrete wall. Luckily, she hadn’t knocked the wind out of me. Once I regained my balance, I grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Then I pushed her off of me. I knew not to throw the first punch.

Enraged, she swung and I ducked. She let loose a flurry of punches, and I avoided most of them.

Except one.

Bitch hit me square on the jaw.

Stunned, she stepped back and smiled.

But so did I.

Now, I could punch back.

The scared woman beside me ran to the bars and yelled again. “They’re going to kill each other!”

Still, no one came.

All my anger and my frustration, I channeled into my fist. Then, rammed it straight into her nose.


Blood splattered everywhere and the woman at the bars let out an ear-piercing scream just before falling to the ground. I raced to grab her before she hit the floor.

Her back slumped onto my front, and I dragged her to sit up against the wall. Then I pulled off my sweater, leaving myself only in a black t-shirt, and walked up to the stocky woman. Blood oozed between her fingers, and she stepped back as I approached. I held up my sweater and pressed it onto her face.

“Get off of me!” she shouted but didn’t push me away.

“You’ve got to put pressure on it or it won’t stop bleeding.”

She fought my hand for a minute, probably for pride’s sake, then relented.

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