Page 91 of The Remake

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She bit her bottom lip and placed her skinny hand on my forearm. I stared at the large rocks on her fingers before looking back up. “Don’t be long. I’d like to get to know you better.” She popped an olive in her mouth and dragged her tongue around it. The act distracted me momentarily, but nothing about it or her aroused me. She reminded me of every other woman I’d dated. She only wanted me for my name. I’d be just another wealthy family she could add to her list of influential friends.

“Sorry, but I’ll be busy tonight,” I said and when she opened her mouth to protest, I added, “Maybe you should try my brother, Ryan. He’s always up for a good time.” Her eyes lit up and I wondered if Ryan would thank me or kill me later.

I pushed through the stacked bodies, excusing myself and shaking some hands as I made my way to the kitchen. Mario stood at the stove, tasting sauce from a wooden spoon. “This needs a pinch more salt,” he said to his sous chef. I hired one for Mario last week and told him he would need him with all the people in the restaurant. Mario was skeptical at first, having always worked alone, but he had grown to trust Louis this week.

“How’s everything?” I asked when Mario turned toward me.

“Ah, Luke. It’s wonderful. All of it. I can’t believe how many people are here.”

“There are even more people outside the restaurant than inside,” I said. “This is good, Mario. This is really good. We’ll be booked for two months.”

When Mario took a step forward, I knew what he was about to do. “We can hug later. Now, we have to get these plates out there.”

“Fine, fine. Always work with you.”

I laughed because no one had ever said that to me. Maybe I did have a bit of Colton’s work ethic in me. I shuddered at the thought and rushed over to Mario to hug him. The burly man slapped my back and kissed me on the cheek. A big wet one, too. I groaned. “Don’t make me regret this, Mario,” I laughed and wiped my face with the handkerchief from my new suit. Janet had insisted on me wearing one.

I checked my watch. “There’s only a half-hour left before the end of the event. Are the deserts ready?”

“Yes. Just five more minutes.”

“Great. I’ll go check in with Janet and see if anything is outstanding on her end before closing.”

When I returned to the dining room, the space seemed even more crowded than before. My friends showed up late for events, so it didn’t surprise me. I searched the room for Janet. Her high black bun was pretty easy to spot. I spotted her near the entrance. She was arguing with someone at the door.

“Excuse me,” I said, trying to make my way to her. If someone was giving Janet a hard time, I would take care of it. But I’d only gotten a few steps into the crowd when Janet turned around and the person she was arguing with came into view.

My heart stopped, and the loud laughter of the people around me quieted to a hum. I wanted to run but my feet were stuck in place, as though my mind didn’t want to confirm if this was a dream because I was happy to live in a dream where she showed up. Where she showed up for me.

I closed my eyes, inhaled sharply through my nose, and let it out swiftly through my mouth.

Please… let this be real.

When I opened my eyes, Grace was still there. She had her arms crossed, but when she saw me, they fell to her sides. Her eyebrows softened while her eyes pleaded with me.

My body kicked into gear. “Out of the way,” I said as I pushed past the crammed bodies. “Hey, watch it,” some guy called behind me, but I didn’t care. Grace was here and I couldn’t get to her fast enough.

“Grace!” I shouted above the crowd.

“Luke,” she called back, waving her hand.

Janet stared between me and Grace. “Do you know her?” she asked. “She says she’s invited, but I don’t see her name on the list.”

“What are you talking about? I know I put her name on there.” I looked at Grace and added, “Just in case you saw the invite.”

“Well, I don’t know what to tell you. But I don’t see a Meany Sweeney on here.”

“What?” I turned to Grace and she shrugged her shoulders. “I thought that’d be the name you’d use after the way I spoke to you.” She watched me carefully, her gaze searching mine. “I’m so sorry, Luke.”

I shook my head, emotion burning at the back of my eyes. “I’m the one who’s sorry, Grace. I walked away again.”

“No!” She placed her hand on my arm. “I was upset and I said some things I didn’t mean. I thought I needed to do things on my own, that I didn’t need anyone. But I need you, Luke. I want to be with you.”

I couldn’t explain how much I needed to hear those words from her. I’d always believed I wasn’t good enough for Grace and she didn’t need me. But to hear her say it, to see the emotion play across her face, wrecked me.

I grabbed her waist and lifted her off the ground, smothering my face into her shoulder. She laughed this time and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Turning with Grace still in my arms, I said to Janet, “You’ve got it from here?”

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