Page 90 of The Remake

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Not bad for someone who couldn’t handle responsibility.

“Luke!” someone shouted my name. Ryan walked into the restaurant, with Colton trailing behind him. “This place looks incredible,” he said, and nudged Colton with his elbow. Colton grunted, “Yeah. Great.”

I laughed. I knew Colton was disappointed I hadn’t joined Crawford Corporation. “Look Colton, I know you wanted me to be operations manager. But I would have been terrible at it and you know it.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “You were a pretty shitty lead on the audit.”

I laughed. “Thanks.”

“But you want to get into the restaurant business now?” Ryan asked, looking around.

“Not exactly,” I explained. “I have this idea of a company that flips restaurants kind of like flipping homes. But better. I want to start a subsidiary of Crawford Corp., an affiliate company. I want to research restaurants that have growth potential but just need the capital to do it. I would provide the capital and the strategy and become a partner for a set number of years. We can negotiate the timeline.”

“And you think this will make money?”

“I do. But more importantly, it’ll make me happy.”

When Colton’s frown didn’t change, I added, “And teach me responsibility?” I raised my eyebrows, waiting for his response. It wasn’t exactly a smile, but his face softened. “That sounds promising,” he said.

I laughed. I didn’t know how Frannie put up with him. “I’ve put together a business plan for two more restaurants I have in mind.”

“Two more, did you say?” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Let’s meet in my office tomorrow at noon.”

I put out my hand, and Colton stared at it. Finally, a smile crept on his lips. “Pleasure doing business with you, little brother.”

Ryan looked around the room again. “So, who’s coming tonight?”

“Oh, the usual. The Hendersons, the Friedmans, the Jacksons, the Persauds.”

“Wow, you stacked this place,” said Colton, with a glint in his eye. For the first time, it felt as though he saw me for who I was, not just his little brother.

“I can finally use my powers for good,” I chuckled.

“What about Grace? Is she coming?”

I froze. I didn’t mean to. I texted her to see how she was doing and got daily updates about her mother from Theo and Laura, but after being so overbearing about the hospital transfer, I’d tried to keep my distance until she was ready.

Janet had mailed her an invitation, but according to Eric, she hadn’t requested a ride home in days. Eric simply picked up the clothes that Omar had left on her doorstep and brought them to Grace at the hospital. She hadn’t been back to her apartment at all. I knew her mother’s room had great bathroom facilities, but I was hoping she’d go home to rest. But that was Grace. She did nothing halfway.

I should text her tomorrow and ask if she’ll go out to dinner with me.

I didn’t want to put any more thought into her coming tonight. She hadn’t seen the invitation, so there was no way she’d be here. I wouldn’t let myself be disappointed because she wasn’t rejecting me this time.

I had to grow up and not get my feelings hurt when someone didn’t show up for me. I was a grown man, and having Colton and Ryan here was enough.

It had to be.


“Luke, the food is to die for,” said a guest with black-rimmed glasses. I couldn’t remember her name, but Janet had introduced me earlier, so I knew she was important. I hadn’t kept up with the who’s who in the media in a while.

“It’s the best pasta in town,” I said. “That’s why I backed it up.”

“Well, if you’re putting your name behind this, I know it will be successful.”

Funny how people put so much weight on a name.

“Excuse me,” I said. “I just need to check on the kitchen.”
