Page 89 of The Remake

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I dialed Omar’s number and told him everything that had happened with my mother.

“Where is Luke now?” he asked.

“That’s your question?”

“Well, your mom’s in good hands, it sounds. You, I’m not too sure about.”

“What do you mean?”

“So, you just let him go, with no apology, no kiss, no freaking make-up session. What is wrong with you, Grace Sweeney? Are you trying to ruin this fantasy for all of us?”

“Omar, he made decisions about my mother’s health without me.”

“It sounds like you were in no condition to make good decisions. Can you fault him for trying to help?”

“I… I… it’s just not the right time. I told him we’ll talk later,” I stammered.

“Oh, sweetheart. It’s always the right time to tell someone that you love them.”

Love them? Was Omar right? Did I love Luke? I cared for him and I thought about him all the time, and whenever he touched me, it felt like my entire body would implode. Was that love? I wasn’t sure. I only knew love from my mother. But this was different. One minute, I wanted to kill him for making medical decisions without me. The second, I wanted to kiss him until I couldn’t breathe for saving my mother’s life.

Is that love?



Victoria folded the last white napkin and placed it on the glossy white table. “What’s next, Luke?” she asked.

I checked my itinerary. “Janet will be here shortly to set up the media tables. We’re having a media luncheon before the party tonight. You didn’t forget did you?”

“Are you kidding, daddy’s been planning the menu all week.”


“Do you think people will come to the opening?”

I smiled. Of this, I was sure. “I haven’t invited anyone to a party in forever. I’ve extended the invite to VIP guests only. They’ll come. They’re curious about what I’m up to and will show up. I’ve called the TV crews for the opening. Once everyone sees the city’s biggest names here, you’ll be booked solid for a month.”

Mario clapped his hands behind us. “I can’t believe it. I feel like Cinderella and you are the prince,” he said.

“Um, I’m not too sure about that analogy,” I laughed. “How about we just stick to business partners?” I stuck out my hand.

He shook it, then pulled me in for a hug. “No, Luke. We’re family.”

His words took me by surprise. At first, having Mario’s arms around my waist felt awkward. But when he squeezed a little tighter, something in my chest loosened and I hugged him back. I wondered if this was what it was like to be hugged by a father.

Or an uncle.

I cleared my throat and patted Mario’s shoulder. “This is going to work, Mario.”

“I know. I have faith in you, Luke.”

Damn it! Why was I having such a hard time swallowing? I cleared my throat and coughed. “Excuse me. I think I need a drink of water.”

Victoria ran into Mario’s arms and I left them proudly surveying the new dining room.

The next few hours flew by. The publicist I had hired to ensure the guests were happy and the media luncheon went smoothly was great. Janet even set up a couple of interviews with local papers and magazines. Mario was thrilled, and I was proud, too. We pulled off a renovation and a Grand Opening in less than three weeks.

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