Page 16 of Forgive My Sin

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“Let’s not do it again, Mr. Tsiklauri. I’m afraidImay need a confession now.” His voice denotes disappointment, and I dislike that I’m the one who did it to him; however, nothing and nobody is more important than Abilene. We’re doing everything we can for her at any cost.

“I’ll be there for mass tonight. We all will.” Hanging up, we wait for Abilene to return.

“Allow me,” Val says as he opens his door once the church doors spread wide, exiting the SUV. He waits at the bottom step for her, scooping her up in his arms and laying a passionate kiss on her lips. Her hands freeze on his shoulders before she relaxes and buries them in his hair, holding him as intensely as he holds her.

You’d think jealousy would eat at me seeing another man kiss or touch my girl, but it doesn’t. My arousal is swift and punishing in its intensity as my dick pulses with need in my pants. I don’t care that Val is kissing her when I’m not. I care that she’s gaining pleasure from the touch. As her legs wrap around his waist, despite the cold whipping around outside, they are most certainly heated up by their passion.

“That’s so fucking hot,” Zak utters, and I hear him shifting in his seat. “Can’t wait to get her between us.” I’m in agreeance with him.

Leaning across the seat as they turn and begin walking towards us, Zak shoves the back door open as Val helps Abi into her seat before closing it again. “Thank you for stopping for me.” Her shy voice is hidden by her long hair.

I keep my body turned to watch as Zak pulls her into his lap while Val begins to drive away. “All you have to do is ask, and you shall receive.” Zak’s tone is playful with her, working on getting her to look at him as he maneuvers her in his lap the way he wants.

Her legs are on either side of his hips now, and her back is to me from the middle of the seat. I don’t hesitate to glide a hand up her spine. Brushing my fingers along each vertebra, I feel her body shiver. Zak cups her cheek and guides her head down to his. Their lips touch, and I feel the way she lights up. Her body goes from tense and tremor-filled to relaxed and vibrating with arousal.

Zak’s hands travel to her ass, cupping and massaging her as he drags her in closer, pressing her down onto his erection. Dragging her body back and forth, creating friction that elicits goosebumps on her flesh.

Despite the obstacles in my way, I lean in closer to her, brush the hair from her ear, kiss along her neck, and bite on her lobe before murmuring in her ear, “Bite him,chemo sikharulo.Zak enjoys a bit of pain with his pleasure.” A moan breaks free from her as she severs the kiss to glance back at me. Nodding, I encourage her, “Do it.” I can see she’s nervous. Using a hand on the back of her head, I guide her mouth to the crook of his neck, where it meets his shoulders, and I encourage her. “Right here. Bite him. Leave your mark.”

Zak’s eyes are closed, and he’s worrying his lip as he waits for her to follow my direction. I’m not sure she’s going to do it until Zak hisses and bucks his hips into her covered cunt, needing release in a way we’re all feeling right now.

“Fuck,sakhvarelo, fuck.” He grunts each word as his body strains, and I’ve never felt the need to fuck so badly in my life. “Don’t stop.” His hand holds her head in place, and I’m guessing she’s sucking on him now because his hips are pumping against her as he tries to keep her still against him.

It’s another minute before Zak grows stiff against Abilene and groans out his pleasure. Although he’s not even entered her body, I’m envious as fuck that he had that moment with her, and I want it for myself. The need to take her to bed is nearly too much because what we want with her is so much more complex than a traditional relationship. She’s going to have questions, and all I…we…want is to lay our claim on her as soon as possible.

“We’re home,” Val grunts out, not oblivious to what just happened in the back seat.

Exiting the vehicle, I notice the boutique’s delivery truck is here with the racks of clothes we ordered for Abi. She balked at the amount we picked out, but I hope that once she acclimates to her place in our life, she’ll find it easier to accept gifts as we shower them on her.

Opening the back door, the scent of her and Zak’s arousal washes over me like a cloud of smoke, enveloping me in their essence and seeping into my pores. I want nothing more than to strip everyone down, here and now, and fuck until none of us can move. While Val, Zak, and I have never shared a woman before, we know this is what we want, what we need, if any of us wish to continue our bloodlines. Witnessing them giving her pleasure and gaining their own brings me a sense of belonging, as well.

It’s a unique relationship, one none of us would trade for the world, especially now that we’ve found that one remarkable woman to complete our bond. Even at her young age of twenty, Abilene is more than mature enough to comprehend how this will work, what we’ll want from her, and what she should expect from us in return.

“We should take this inside, perhaps,” I suggest as Valerian stands beside me, his eyes roaming Abi’s body.

“Might be problematic,” Zak grunts, and I raise an eyebrow. “She’s crying, and my pants are a deliciously disgusting mess.” He’s torn between worry and gratitude for the woman in his arms.

“Chemo sikharulo?” I question, and her head turns to face me. Tears fall in waves from her eyes, and I see she’s struggling with something.

“I’m so broken inside, Levan.” Reaching out a hand for her, she climbs free of Zakar’s lap and into my embrace.

“Sshhh, there’s nothing broken that can’t be fixed or mended.” I wish I had a direct line to the thoughts running through her brain. I’d love to know what she’s thinking at every moment of every day.

Heading inside, I seeBebiadirecting the delivery guys where to go, and I nod as I pass her. Her eyes soften when she notices Abilene.Bebiaalways had a soft spot for her. Entering the office, Val follows as Zak heads upstairs to clean up.

Sitting her in one of the chairs, I kneel at her feet while Val stands behind me. “Look at us, Abilene.” The demand makes her flinch and curl into herself. Staunching my anger over her fear and obvious embarrassment, I force myself to remain calm.

For her sake.



Look at us.

It’s so simple for them.

