Page 65 of Culture Shock

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Like anyone could stand a chance against him.

“Good, ’cause the hypothetical dude was a hell of a kisser. Just sayin’,” I challenged.

We reached a crosswalk and waited for the light to change.

“Then it looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me,” he replied evenly. “Now, if only I had someone I could practice on—you know, for research purposes, of course.” The light changed and we began to walk. Jake kept his hand on my lower back until we reached the other side.


“She’d have to be a willing participant…someone that is well-rounded,” he advised, ignoring my jab.

“Well-rounded,” I echoed, to show I was paying attention.

“It’s a delicate balance. The trick is to find someone whowantsto but doesn’t reveal too much up front, perhaps. And on the other hand, being too eager could muddle the whole thing.” He paused and I looked up at him. “Do you see what I’m saying, Luce?” Seriousness laced his features.

I lifted a brow coyly. “I think I’m following along…” Placing my hand on my hip, I recapped. “So, you want someone who wants to bone you but pretends they don’t?”

Jake gasped, acting affronted. “Now, who said anything about sex?”

My eyes locked on his like lasers. “I did.”

We stood on the side of the street, cars rushing past us, people weaving around. I could count his measured breaths,three, four, five…

Finally, he spoke. “Then it’s a good thing the hotel is only a block away.”

Chapter 21



Time was relative. It always seemed to work against you regardless of emotion. If you were bored, time dragged on in an excruciating manner. If you were enjoying something, time was cruel and raced by you at warp speed.

Currently, it was doing both to me.

City blocks were deceivingly long. Though not quite as busy as NYC, Chicago held its own for packed streets with people waiting for public transit, others counting down the minutes at the crosswalk, and some were simply out enjoying the weather either meeting friends at an outdoor patio or waiting for food from a street vendor.

In short, there was a lot of slow walking, bumping into others, and pausing.

It was one of those situations where you could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the obstacles in front of you made you move like cold molasses.

Lucy and I stayed close to one another, falling in a single file manner every so often. But when we were side by side, I caught her nibbling her bottom lip and her shoulders were taught. It seemed I wasn’t the only one affected by time.

“Excuse me,” I mumbled to someone who was in front of the hotel.

The doorman nodded a hello.

The elevator was full on the way to her floor. Lucy’s hand found mine, fingers entwining like she was tethering herself to me. My thumb lazed over the knuckle of her pointer finger and she sighed softly.

People filtered off at each floor, but now Murphy and his shit law decided to join the game. I silently cursed the couple that stood next to us; Lucy and I wouldn’t be alone until we made it to the room. And perhaps that was for the best.

“My keycard is in my bag,” she uttered breathlessly, pointing to the one I held for her.

“It’s fine; I booked a suite.” I made a quick motion with my head, indicating it was just up ahead.

The hallway was quiet except for the tiny beep from the lock. Pushing the door open, I stepped inside, waiting for Lucy to follow.

With a thud, the heavy door closed behind us, the air suctioning throughout the space. Over her shoulder the curtains rustled in protest, coming to rest a moment later.

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