Page 66 of Culture Shock

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And then, finally it was just the two of us.

Knowing her camera equipment was in the bag I carried, I gingerly set it down on a nearby chair and turned my attention back to Lucy.

The same shorts she wore when we met offered me glimpses of her tanned upper thighs through the ragged tears. Several scenarios played out in my head, my favorite being the one that involved her perched on the edge of the bar top, legs possessively wrapped around my waist.

I took a step toward her.

She puffed her cheeks out and expelled a breath. “Hot day, huh?” She removed her scarf, hanging it over the back of the bar chair. “Do you have any water?” Her hat came off next, resting next to her scarf.

“There’s bottles in the fridge,” I managed.

“Do you want one?” she called over her shoulder.

“Please.”And maybe a cold shower.

With each gulp we took, the thin plastic crackled. We drank the entire contents, watching one another.

“What’s this?” she asked, pointing to a thick stack of bound papers. Lucy took my bottle and put both in the recycle bin.

Small talk it was…

“It’s the movie script.” I cleared my throat, hiding my disappointment. “Each cast member is going to sign it and it’ll be auctioned off for charity,” I explained.

She reached for it, hugging it against her chest. “And you just left it out in the open? What if someone took it and leaked the entire plot and spoilers and, and…allthe things?” She was seriously concerned, waving her free hand to demonstrate the potential disaster.

“I’ve only been in town for a few hours and the room had no reason to be cleaned, so who would’ve broken in here and stolen it, Luce?” I crossed my arms over my chest, falling victim to her innocence. It wasn’t the first time.

Her mouth crumpled and her eyebrows creased. “Fair point…” Then her body straightened. Her eyes grew large and round and I found myself staring into two blue orbs. “May I…look at it…?”

I really didn’t see the harm. Lucy wasn’t vindictive and I trusted her.

“Go ahead,” I nodded, walking over to the minibar. Grabbing a few things, I took a seat at the bar while she thumbed through the pages.

I began opening various jars and tins and packages, laying them out like an expensive vending machine haul.

Lucy grabbed a handful of the macadamia nuts as she began to read. Her face scrunched in concentration.

“What part are you at?” I was curious as to what was causing the crease between her brows.

“Oh, um, Brandon and Peyton were watching TV when the screen cut to the bad guy? These scripts are sort of hard to read,” she commented.

“Yeah, they take some getting used to. It’s just a different format.”

She went back to reading. The scene where Liam’s and my character reveal to Peyton who our alter egos were was just lines away.

A minute later, Lucy scoffed, causing her to cough around a mouthful of nuts. Composing herself, she paraphrased, “Wait, so the bad dude threatens the world via a cryptic PSA, then Wingman just shows up at Peyton’s apartment, then he and Brandon are just like, ‘Oh, hey, we’re superheroes…’” She cracked the top of a Sprite can and took a sip.

A bark of a laugh escaped me. “Add in some movie magic and it’s a pretty intense scene,” I promised.

She nodded slowly, reluctant to believe me. “Ok, but what about this next part,” she goaded.“It makes sense, you two. Koil and Wingman…damn. How could I have been so obtuse?” Lucy had adopted a posh accent during her recital.

“Peyton doesn’t sound like that,” I objected. “She’s more matter-of-fact; a no BS attitude.”

Lucy dramatically cleared her throat and tried again. “Was that better?” She tilted her head and gave me an innocent smile.

“You’re getting there. Try it one more time,” I instructed, finding her go at auditioning highly entertaining.

Lucy nailed the line to which I followed it with Brandon’s. Slipping into character I stressed,“We have to go. But I need you to stay here, Peyton. I can’t risk losing you. Vider has a vendetta against me and he’d stop at nothing to hurt the ones closest to me.”

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