Page 18 of But First, Whiskey

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My old injury twinged when I hit the dirt, but I ignored it and crawled along the foundation until I got to the corner of the house. Once I rounded it, I stood up and headed straight for the copse of trees to the left of the driveway. My car was parked a half mile down the road.

Shaking my head, I refused to look back. I didn’t want to see Cash barreling toward me.

If he hit me from behind, I’d rather it be a surprise.

I should be filled with regret that I’d crossed the line not once, but twice. The first time I could excuse, because I hadn’t known who Faith was. The second, well, there wasn't anything I could say to justify that. I had wanted Faith, and so I’d gone into her room.

Had it been worth it?

Oh, hell yeah. Even if Cash ripped my nuts off.

It had been worth it.

But you have to know to quit while you’re ahead.

That was it.

Hands off Faith.

I managed to keep that vow until she was in my office.

A man only has so much willpower.



“Okay,listen, before we have to interview Cash Young’s sister, we need to talk about MacKay. Something needs to be done about him.”

“What do you mean?” Malcolm asked. “I’ve kept a tight rein on his marketing dollars.”

“I’m not talking about the business. I’m talking about my personal life and his temporary stay with me that has turned into an entire year.”

“I think he’s finally over She Who Shall Not Be Named,” Ian, my identical twin, said.

“And that’s great.” It was. Mary Frances had done a number on MacKay, which was no shocker. The first time I’d met her I’d gotten a psycho bitch vibe and she had proven me right. I never could figure out what he saw in her. “But this is out of control. I can’t even get a blowjob without it being interrupted. A girl was going down on me in the living room and he walked in.”

Malcolm laughed. “What the fuck were you doing in the living room?”

“I thought he wasn’t going to be home until later! Don’t put this on me. Peyton was really upset.” Or turned on. But there was no way in hell I was telling these assholes that Peyton had offered for Mac to have a seat and enjoy the show. “I need him to move out.”

“So tell him to move out,” Ian said.

Ian, who was apprenticing with our master distiller, and had a degree in chemistry, was irritatingly logical all the time. We might look the same, but our personalities were nothing alike. He was a straightforward guy, which sometimes was a great quality, and other times meant he lacked a certain finesse. This was one of those times. He was an idiot if he thought I was just telling MacKay to get the fuck out.

I scoffed. “And look like a dick? No way. I’m not being the bad guy.”

“You want me to tell him?” Ian asked.

See what I mean? No clue. MacKay was a tough guy. But he’d lost a career and never had any luck with women. He didn’t need his own flesh and blood brother telling him it was time to bounce.

“No. I figured it out. We just need to find him a girlfriend. Or at the very least a hot-as-hell-friend-with-benefits.”

Malcolm’s eyebrows shot up. “Why?”

“Well, aside from the obvious fact that he might be wound less tight if he’s getting some action, if he has a girlfriend he’ll want his privacy. His own space to do his thing. And I’ll have mine back.”

“I feel like that’s a massive leap in logic.”

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