Page 19 of But First, Whiskey

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“It’s not. You’re just too dumb to see that I’m a genius.”

“If you’re a genius, we’re all doomed,” Ian said.

“It’s not a bad idea,” Malcolm said.

I put my palms down on my desk in triumph and stood up. “Thank you, Malcolm. Fuck off, Ian.”

My twin rolled his eyes. “How are you supposed to find him a girlfriend? Make him a fake Tinder profile?”

I only half-heard what Ian said. Our offices had glass walls, something I wasn’t a huge fan of. MacKay wasn’t either, and had put blinds on his. But his door was uncovered and I could see a glimpse of a leggy blonde in his office. MacKay wasn’t visible but his hand was on her arm, just below the shoulder. Was he… caressing her?

“Hold up,” I said. “Is that Cash’s sister in his office right now?”

Malcolm and Ian swiveled around to squint and stare.

“I’ve never met her, but no one else is coming in today,” Malcolm said. “It has to be her.”

“We’re supposed to be interviewing her together in the conference room. Why is she in his office with his hand on her?” I was getting a very interesting feeling about this. “Are you two thinking what I’m thinking?”

Ian looked bored with the whole situation but Malcolm saw what I saw. “Maybe he likes Young’s sister. That would explain why we’re suddenly interviewing her for a job that previously was on hold and we can’t really afford.”

I cared less about the numbers than Malcolm but come to think of it, yes, that was weird. I’d assumed it was because Cash Young held a ten percent interest in the distillery and MacKay didn’t want to alienate him, but maybe there was more to it.

The blonde, presumably Faith, turned toward the glass door. She smoothed the front of her skirt down before pressing her hands to her flushed cheeks. She looked rattled. MacKay followed her, adjusting the tent in his pants.

Oh, yeah. There was something there.

Malcolm saw it too. “Damn,” he said.

Ian pushed his swivel chair back and turned it so he could see what was going on. “She’s nice to look at.”

I paused in my thinking to eye Ian with amusement. “Why do you always sound like you’re eighty?”

“I’m trying to be complimentary without being offensive.”

“Well, stop it. Just say she’s hot like a normal person.” My twin was my opposite in every way.

“You do realize this is a terrible idea?” Malcolm said. “We should not be hiring someone MacKay is slipping it too. Think of the drama.”

“So we don’t hire her, and instead we push them together, matchmaker style, and I get my apartment back.”

“Won’t Young be pissed if we don’t hire her?” Ian asked.

“Those are our options? Don’t hire her and piss off Young, or hire her and watch inappropriate office behavior? Mac isn’t exactly a guy who compartmentalizes.”

Considering the way he was eyeing Faith’s ass as she walked in front of him, I knew Malcolm was right to have concerns. But I would solve that problem later. My problem of immediate and urgent concern was my dick. The lack of privacy was killing me. Not all women were like Peyton, willing to give a show. Some women balked at the idea of coming home with me knowing my brother lived with me and I didn’t blame them. I was thirty and getting too old for that shit.

Mac was a cockblock and I was done putting up with it.

Faith Young was about to endure a round of twenty questions, each one harder than the last.


Yes, I’d had a crush on MacKay since I was thirteen. And yes, I believe at some point in my teen stalking of him online I had learned he had three brothers. But to know they existed versus sitting across from them as they stared at me, was completely different. I was nervous as hell and distracted by my industrial bra. It felt like my breasts were being pressed under an anvil and I hated it.

Two of MacKay’s brothers were identical twins. The other one, Malcolm, was older, stern, brooding. The twin who had identified himself as Dylan was a cocky charmer. Ian was easier. He seemed a little nerdy and his smile seemed genuine.

MacKay was annoyed with his brothers. He kept scowling at them every time they asked me a question.

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