Page 17 of But First, Whiskey

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“Stop it.” She clamped her legs closed, trapping my hand. I slipped a finger inside her. Hot and wet.

Faith sighed.

“Is someone in there with you?” Cash demanded. “You’d better not have a guy in there inmyhouse withmychildren under the same roof. That’s not cool, Faith Anne Young.”

Oh, shit. Party was over. I retreated, easing my finger back out of her. I swatted her ass lightly to get her moving.

“No one is in here.”

“You’re lying. Let me in. I want to know who the fuck would have the nerve to stay in my sister’s room in my house.”

Definitely the party was over. I eased out of the bed as carefully as possible, gesturing to Faith to go to the door. I was using hand motions. Faith looked puzzled, then annoyed, as she stood gloriously naked in the middle of her room, hands on her hips.

“What?” she hissed at me. “I don’t know what you want me to do.”

Seriously? I nearly groaned out loud. “Go out there,” I murmured, waving my hand at the door. I yanked my pants on, without underwear, and shoved my feet in my shoes.

“Open this door now,” Cash said, and his voice was like steel. “I definitely hear a guy in there.”

Faith ran her fingers through her hair, glancing between me and the door, biting her lip. Then she started to giggle, which probably wasn’t going to help her brother’s mood. “Cash, go away. I’ll be out in a minute. I’m sure Johnny isn’t missing. He’s got to be on the property somewhere. How could he have left? He doesn’t drive.”

“If you don’t open this door in ten seconds, I’m breaking it down.”

That was no idle threat. Cash was a linebacker. He could plow through that door easily. I started to move faster, feeling the heat. He was coming in, one way or the other. Time to get the hell out of there.

Faith pulled on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt while I put on my dress shirt and my jacket. The tie was stuffed in my pocket. Patting my pants to make sure my phone was tucked in the pocket, I assessed my options. I should just hide in the walk-in closet. So I gestured to let Faith know what I was doing. I slipped into the closet and closed the door behind me.

“Cash, it’s not what you think— hey, get out of my room!”

Fantastic. Cash had come into Faith’s room.

“Where is he?” Cash demanded.

“Who?” Faith said, though she didn’t sound believable at all. Her voice was too high.

“Whoever had the fucking nerve to have sex with my baby sister under my roof.”

Baby sister? I winced. There was a window in the closet. I eased toward it.

“I’m an adult, Cash. Stop being ridiculous.”

I didn’t have a sister, but I was a guy. Knowing how many of us are dirt bags, I understood where Cash was coming from. It was his house. That was a dick move on my part. And he didn’t even know the dirt bag in his sister’s room was his own friend.

“It’s that bartender, isn’t it?” Cash demanded. “I saw him looking at your ass and you were flirting with him.”

I paused in lifting up the window, instantly and irrationally jealous. What bartender?

“What bartender?” Faith asked, echoing my thoughts. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Don’t go in my bathroom, oh my God! You’re being insane.”

Faith had been flirting with a bartender? I fought the urge to stroll out there and declare that Faith was only interested in flirting withme. But I’m not that stupid. I mean, I’m stupid. But notthatstupid.

I looked out the window to see the drop. It wasn't bad. Four feet, tops. Thank God her room was on the first floor. There was some landscaping, but it looked leafy. No rose bushes, so that was a plus. I threw my leg over the frame and mentally berated myself. I was too fucking old to be crawling out of windows. This was high school shit right here.

“Do not look in my closet,” Faith said firmly and loudly.

There was nothing to do but jump.

So I did.

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