Page 130 of To Make Matters Worse

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“We’re not two different people. We’re just not fighting.”

“Fighting with Charlie was in your DNA. Remember what I said at the engagement party?”

“But you were also the one who told me to stay with him.”

“I did… but I didn’t think this would happen. I figured I was lucky if the two of you survived the two weeks before the wedding. It really was the only option.”

“I know we were bad for two years, but can you give us the benefit of the doubt?”

“I am. Lewis is the one who’s struggling. You know how he is. He prepares for the worst. Always.”

“I know, but it’s getting tiring to be looked at like a bomb ready to go off. I had enough of that when we fought. I’m more than tired of it now.”

“It was pretty explosive.”

Violet sighed. “Yeah, it was, but we haven’t fought like that … well, since Charlie was mad at me for getting on his roof. But that didn’t culminate in a huge fight. I apologized.”

“Really? You?”

“I couldn’t not. I was staying in his house for free.”

Liv stared at her for a long moment. Then, realization dawned on her face.

“Oh no. You’ve gone full grateful silent.”

“I’ve gone what?”

“Grateful silent. It’s when someone does something nice for you, so you never say what you need. You do it anytime you get help.”

“I don’t… I didn’t-“ Violet stuttered. Then she took a moment to collect herself. “Okay, fine. For a while, that’s exactly what I did.”

“It’s what you are doing.”

“No, I don’t. Charlie made it even the minute he realized what I was doing.”

“Made it even?”

“He offered a way for me to break me out of the cycle of misery I put myself in.”

“And when did he realize you were grateful silent?”

“… The day I apologized for the roof incident.” Violet shrugged when Liv stared at her with wide eyes. “I don’t know what to tell you. I think he studied me or something when we fought. He figures me out pretty easily, which is both annoying and great for communication.”

“How did he make it even?”

“He asked me to help with some of the maintenance on his house.”

“So… in exchange for help on having a place to stay, you help him with the house.”

“Well, when we made it more permanent, I took on some of the bills.”

“So, all of this is a totally even relationship and not at all based on him helping you out?”

“Yeah,” Violet said.

“Well, shit. There goes my whole explanation for why you two were getting along.”

“You thought I was getting along with him because I was being … grateful silent?”

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