Page 125 of To Make Matters Worse

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Violet laughed. “That was actually a good one.”

“Okay but you followed it up by saying if I were the light at the end of the tunnel, you’d turn around and leave.”

Violet laughed harder. “That was such a good comeback.”

“Yeah, you totally roasted me there. I should have known to never go up against a sixth-grade teacher because you people take no shit.”

“Hey, we take shit in the form bad salary and kids pretending to snort illegal drugs in the hallway.”

“Wait, did that happen again?” Liv asked.

“This happened more than once?” Charlie added.

“It’s a trend that comes and goes,” Violet said. “My personal favorite is the floor is lava challenge, but for understandable reasons, the administration thinks it’s best to stop that in its tracks.”

“The things you see…” Charlie muttered.

The conversation died down when the waiter came to get their drink orders. Once they had confirmed they were eating from the conveyor belt, they were free to start eating.

“Can you hand me that salmon roll?” Violet asked the moment the waiter was out of sight.

“Sure,” Charlie said. He grabbed a plate, hesitated, and then grabbed one for himself. “Here goes nothing,” he muttered as he took a bite at the same time Violet did.

It was a decent sushi roll. Nothing to write home about, but it was good enough to go for more.

“That’s actually not bad,” Charlie said.

“It’s really not,” Violet agreed.

“I did not eat enough for lunch,” Charlie said, grabbing a second plate.

“Hunger breaks all fears of food poisoning.”

“If I get sick from this,” Charlie said after another bite. “You’re making me soup while I recover.”

“That’s a fair deal,” Violet said, shrugging.

Both of them realized at the same time they had an audience. Liv and Lewis wore the same baffled expression.

Great. The shock must have not worn off yet.

“So, enough about us,” Charlie said, after he had finished another plate. “I don’t think you told Violet about your honeymoon.”

She nodded, eager to get the attention off her. They only stared, but Liv seemed to recover the fastest.

“It was good,” Liv said. “Both of us needed a break from the wedding and all the stress. We mostly sat and enjoyed the beach.”

“I got to swim with some sharks,” Lewis added, his voice still tense.

“I don’t think what you did counted as swimming, honey.”

“I tried to swim with sharks.”

Violet listened as they continued telling he and Charlie about their three-week honeymoon. Every now and then, she’d tap Charlie’s shoulder to signal she wanted something, and he could dutifully get it for her.

When they were done, Liv grabbed a bite of food and said, “So, tell me how your three weeks went.”

“Yeah, what happened with all of this?” Lewis asked.

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