Page 49 of Finding Hope

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His smile fell and he winced.

Hope slumped and gave a wince of her own. Looking contrite, she said, “I’m sorry, that was a low blow. I didn’t mean it. I was just really proud of myself for beating you.”

Then she looked at him with those eyes, and he melted.

As they continued walking down the pier, the butterfly on her shoulder peeked out from under the strap of her tank top.

What would it be like to touch it?

“Of course you should be proud of yourself,” he said. “You told me you hadn’t swum in years until you moved down here. I’ve been swimming nearly every day for longer than I can remember. I can’t believe how much progress you’ve made. And, you know, I am taller than you. Also, there is a slim possibility,” he held up his hands, “maybe, that I’m a little stronger. Though I’m sure you’d be willing to arm wrestle me over that.”

Success! That earned him a small smile. “Perhaps.”

He nudged her with his elbow. “How would you suggest we move forward from this crisis?”

They had reached the end of the pier, and Hope sat down on one of the benches with a big sigh. “With my admitting I’m being a bitch. I’m sorry.”

Alex smiled at her. “It’s ok. I’ll live.”

Gazing out at the ocean, Hope shook her head. “I seem to be apologizing to you a lot. I don’t mean to be hard on you.”

That made him grin more. “Meh, I don’t scare off that easily. And I’m swimming tomorrow morning if you feel like joining me.” His smile faded. “But don’t expect me to leave you behind. That’s not going to happen.”

With that, he turned toward the dive shop, smiling at her over his shoulder. “Besides, you shouldn’t apologize. I kind of like this feisty side of you.”

* * *

A few nights later, Hope looked around critically at the patio outside the restaurant, fully recovered from yet another embarrassing outburst at Alex as she smoothed her light-colored floral sundress. A flush wanted to heat her cheeks, but she concentrated on the scene before her instead. The patio looked lovely, overlooking the ocean and next to the pool. Recently installed brick pavers were set in a herringbone pattern, alternating light and dark-gray bricks.

Tonight was their first manager’s reception, and it was a resounding success. Patti talked to a couple who were repeat guests as Clark circulated through the crowd with a bottle of white wine in one hand and red in the other. A large steel trough was filled with ice and bottles of beer, water, and soft drinks.

There were fourteen guests at the resort presently, and they had all come to the reception. Hope had mingled with them, and they seemed genuinely happy to spend more time with her and Patti. She spoke with one older couple who were on their eighth trip to the resort, both noting the new energy around the resort.

“Thank you.” Hope’s toes curled with happiness. “You can’t imagine how much that means to me. I have a lot of plans for this place. You’ll have to come back next year to find out what has changed.”

Patti finished her conversation and approached Hope. “All right. I have to admit you’ve got a great idea here. Let’s start makin’ it a weekly occurrence. I have a few ideas that might make it even better . . .”

A wash of satisfaction rippled through Hope.


June . . .

Hope set the housekeeping schedule down on the porch sofa next to her, idly swinging one foot back and forth as the ocean waves splashed on the shore. Cruz was sleeping, stretched out in the late afternoon sun as he snored. He still wouldn’t let her approach him, but lately he had taken to hanging around her porch if she was outside.

Hope frowned, remembering her blow-up at Alex over the swimming. She was starting to regret stopping that kiss, unable to deny the attraction any longer. Maybe she was trying to scare him off with her tendency to snap at him, though it seemed to be having the opposite effect.

Her phone interrupted her musing. Sara’s name appeared on the display.

“How’s life in paradise?”

Hope smiled and tucked her legs next to her. “It’s going great, actually. Well, apart from me acting like a bitch sometimes.”

“Oh? Something special, or just your usual level of bitchiness?”

Hope laughed. “Nothing. A disagreement I had with someone, and I kind of blew up. Long story.”

“That sounds like you.” Sara paused, and Hope could practically hear the wheels turning. “So does the ‘going great’ part have anything to do with your mysterious Alex?”

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