Page 50 of Finding Hope

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“Jeez, Sara, would you drop it?” Hope sighed and shifted positions. “I’ve told you, he’s only a guy who works here. There’s nothing more to it than that. He isn’t even remotely good looking.”

“So you keep saying. Just an average guy you get private scuba lessons from and go swimming with all the time.” Sara paused. “If you won’t satisfy my curiosity on that front, let’s get to the reason I’m calling. I have some vacation time I need to use. How would you feel about a sisterly visit? I could come down there in a couple of weeks.”

Hope beamed. “I’d love to see you! It’s been too long. We’re pretty booked up, but I have extra bedrooms in the house so you can stay with me.”

Maybe I can send Alex on vacation or something and replace him with some mean old guy.

“All right, then. I’ll let you know when I’ve worked out the details.”

* * *

Two weeks later, Hope stood in the arrivals area of St. Croix airport, bouncing on the balls of her feet to see better. The flight arrival was announced, and Sara texted that she was there. Finally, her dark head popped up amid the surrounding crowd, and Hope waved frantically to get her attention.

Sara caught sight of her and ran up, the two of them embracing. “Do you need to pick up a suitcase at the carousel?” Hope asked.

“Nah, I’m only here four days, so I just brought a carry-on. Bring on the strawberry margaritas!”

After arriving at the house, Hope showed her to the guest bedroom, where Sara dumped her suitcase on the bed. Her long dark-brown hair still in perfect curls despite the long trip, Sara wore a long blue and green tie-dyed sundress. Multiple long necklaces with pendants complemented the outfit. How did she get through security with all those necklaces?

“Come on! I can’t wait to show you around.” Hope opened the sliding glass door and led them onto her porch, but the view stopped Sara cold.

She stood there, focused on the ocean as the breeze blew her hair back. “My God, Hope. This is incredible. I can’t believe you get to look at this every day.”

Hope hugged herself. “I know!” She was still concerned Sara would make trouble with Alex, but maybe she’d be too distracted.

Or maybe I’m the only one who thinks he’s gorgeous and she won’t even notice him.

They went to the restaurant and pushed through the double doors into the kitchen. “Gerold, here she is! This is my sister Sara.”

Sara turned around the kitchen in full circles, blinking like an owl. She shook Gerold’s hand. “Well, I can already tell I’m going to enjoy eating here. Your kitchen is very bright and clean.” She waved an index finger at him. “And I always say you can judge the quality of the food by the cleanliness of the kitchen the chef maintains.” Gerold beamed. Hope managed to refrain from rolling her eyes as she steered Sara toward the bar.

Clark opened two beers, and Hope and Sara moved to one of the tables in the sand. “Hope, this is fantastic. You are so lucky to have me in your life to make you do the things you’d rather avoid.” They both laughed, and Sara pointed to the end of the pier with its covered palapa. “Let’s head out there. That looks great.”

“Sure. The dive boat should be back any minute. We might need to stay out of the way when it does. It’s a little hectic for a while right after the dive.”

Sure enough, as they left the bar area, Hope spied the boat returning. They made their way onto the wooden planking. “Let’s stay out of the way for a bit.” Hope led Sara to the side of the pier in front of the dive shop.

“Everyone on the boat seems happy,” Sara said. The guests chatted with each other as they walked by.

“They usually are. We run a good operation here.” Hope turned around to face the beach, enjoying the sunshine on her face as several guests played in the sand.

Sara lowered her sunglasses and peered above them. “Oh. My. God. Who is that?”

Hope closed her eyes and sighed. Even without looking, she knew exactly who it was. She turned back around and said as casually as possible, “Oh, that’s Alex. And behind him is Tom—”

Sara interrupted with a loud belly laugh, clutching her stomach. “That is Alex? That guy is Mr. Average Nobody? Oh, Hope. You are such a huge, dirty liar.”

“Sara, don’t embarrass me! There’s nothing between us. We just work together.”

“Yeah, right.”

Alex walked toward them, wearing a brilliant smile.

Well, at least he has his shirt on.

Hope introduced the two of them. Alex shook Sara’s hand and said, “It’s great to meet you. Don’t believe anything Hope has told you about me. None of it’s true.”

“Yes, I see that,” Sara replied sweetly.

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