Page 48 of Finding Hope

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“Tell you what. Let’s try it out for one week. If no one shows, or it turns out to be a disaster, we can forget about it.” Hope turned to the wall clock. “It’s after twelve o’clock. I need to get down to the pier and talk to Alex. It’s time to renew their captains’ licenses.”

Hope strolled down the pier, waving at several people splashing in the shallows before stopping in front of the dive shop. Tommy hosed off the boat as Alex walked toward her.

She waited by the dive shop as he neared and held up her hands. “Look, I know paperwork isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but let’s get—”

“OW! OH SHITTTT!” shrieked a man from behind her.

She whirled around to see a guest in the water, arms flailing as he slipped under the surface.

Hearing movement behind her, Hope turned as Alex stripped off his shirt and sprinted to the side of the pier, diving in barefoot. She ran as fast as she could down the pier toward the beachfront, her stomach clenched with dread.

As she ran, Alex flew toward the man. She’d known he was a powerful swimmer, but this was a whole different level.

God, he’s so fast!

She got to the beach and waded in. By that time, Alex had the man’s arm around his shoulder and was helping him toward shore. Hope got on the other side, and together they helped him to the beach as he limped along on one leg.

“I stepped on one of those urchins you warned us about at lunch,” he told Hope. “Oh my God, it hurts! I thought I was safely away from them. I didn’t know they could move.”

Hope bit back a sharp retort as they sat him down on the steps leading up to the pier. Patti and several other employees rushed out to help.

Alex kneeled on the sand, examining the foot. It was bleeding steadily, drops soaking into the sand as black needles protruded from the skin. “Yeah, you’ve got quite a few spines in there.” He noticed the case Patti carried. “Good, you brought the first aid kit. I’ll pull the spines out with tweezers, but we should send you to the medical clinic to get it checked out in case any of the spines break off and lodge in your foot.” Alex opened the case, pulling out some latex gloves and getting to work.

With the excitement of the emergency over, the gathered crowd dispersed and within fifteen minutes, Alex had done what he could with the wound. He stood up and peeled off the gloves.

“I’ll take him to the clinic in the van. You can come too, of course,” Patti said to the man’s wife. With Clark on one side of him and Patti on the other, they helped the man off the beach and toward the lobby.

“Well, I’m glad that wasn’t more serious,” Hope said, the ball of dread draining away. When she turned, Alex was already walking back toward the dive shop, and a great surge of irritation rose in its place.

* * *

Alex walked down the pier, relieved the man’s injury hadn’t been more serious. No matter how much you warn them, some people have to experience things for themselves. I guess now it’s back to the paperw—

“Hey! I wasn’t done with you yet.” Hope marched up the stairs toward him, fists clenched and her entire body transmitting furious indignation.

Well, this is interesting. . . Looks like the feisty is back.

“You,” she said, poking him in the center of the chest with her finger, “have been holding out on me.”

“What did I do?” He started backing up as she advanced toward him.

“I saw you swimming to rescue that man. Were you planning on just keeping this from me forever?”

“Hope, what are you talking about?”

“You’ve been letting me win!” A stamp of her foot actually accompanied the last word.

He couldn’t help the slow smile that crept across his face, enraging her further, much to his delight. “Not competitive at all, are you? Look, it was adrenaline. I was rushing to reach the guy.”

“Oh, bullshit.” Hope stood square, both hands on her hips. “You could probably beat me with one hand tied behind your back. Literally!”

“Come on, you’re an extremely strong swimmer. Believe me, you push me hard.” He couldn’t stop smiling. She was like an adorable spitting cat jumping around with her tail puffed out. And he wasn’t lying—Hope was a fantastic swimmer.

“Stop patronizing me!” She deflated a little. “I thought I really beat you.”

Now he wasn’t sure how to respond. “What kind of man would I be if I just raced ahead and left you behind?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe an honest one?”

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