Page 49 of Last Call

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“I know you didn’t, Hayden.”

She takes a deep breath, her shoulders rising and falling. I get it. I’m rattled too. Because even as it happened, I could sense that it was not a regular first kiss. Having Ada in my arms felt . . . good. Right.

As if shebelongedthere.

Which is utterly ridiculous. She’s the very last person in the world I belong with right now.

“We are well and truly screwed, aren’t we?” She asks.

Ada doesn’t sit back down on the stool, and I know she’s going to leave. Despite everything, I don’t want her to go. But I know better than to try to change her mind.

“Before you go, maybe we should talk about it,” I say. “I don’t want you to leave here thinking more poorly of me than you already do.”

Her brow furrows. “Why would you assume I think poorly of you?”

Is she serious right now?

“Hmm, let me see. I showed up late to our meeting, hit on you, put you in an awkward position by asking you to lunch, and then I pulled you in from the rain only to break my promise not to touch you.”

But God, that kiss felt good. Better than I expected it would, and I had high expectations. Ada’s lips melded to mine perfectly, the touch of her tongue making me instantly hard.

Ada doesn’t answer at first. Probably because I’m right. I’ve been an entitled shit, going after what I want for no better reason than because I want it.

“I don’t quite see it that way,” she says, surprising me. She surprises me more when she sits back down. “I’ve been late to meetings before . . .”

“Because you stayed out too late the night before, with someone you just met, knowing you had a morning meeting?”

She winces. “Maybe not exactly for that reason.”

When I try to interject again, to shove the hard truth in front of her, she stops me.

“You hit on me, yes.” She shrugs. “Not a crime. And I was flattered.” Ada puts up a finger as if to ward off my response. “Despitethe fact that, yes, you were a bit arrogant about it. What I mean to say is that I don’t buy the ‘I’m so awful’ shtick you’re throwing out there.”

Two minutes ago, I wanted to toss her down onto my bed. Now, I just want to pull her toward me and not let go. It’s disarming, feeling like that. I’m never the one to break eye contact first, but I find myself looking away.

When I glance back, Ada is still staring into my eyes. Pit bull? Nah. This woman is a lioness. Fierce, beautiful, and protective.

I’m just not sure I can be protected from myself.

Nor am I comfortable walking any farther down this path.

“Either way, I am sorry.”

She looks like she wants to say something more. Instead, Ada stands. Which is really for the best.

“I’ll just go change out of these.”

I stop her before she moves. “Your clothes are soaked. Keep them.”

“And what? Give them to you Thursday in front of my team? Hello, Mr. Tanner,” she says, “before we tour your facility, here are the clothes I borrowed from you the other night at your apartment.”


“Yeah, probably not a good idea. But you should still keep them. Toss them if you’d like. Up to you.”

I head into my bedroom, grab a gym bag, and put her wet clothes—hung up neatly in the bathroom—inside. When I’m finished, I head back out, approaching her with caution.


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