Page 101 of Last Call

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“And if it weren’t for his loan agreement with his father?”

My answer is automatic. “I’d tell Eleanor at least part of the truth, recuse myself, and I’d be with him. Now. Not in two years.”

Something is off with her. I can feel it.

“You look weird,” I tell her.

“Thanks,” she says with a smile.

“No, seriously. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

For a second I think I’m onto something, and that she’s about to spill, but then Karlene points to a building across the street.

“Yes, there is. I only agreed to come out here so we could get one of those pineapple smoothies. Isn’t that the place we went after our last run?”

Maybe I’ve become paranoid in addition to depressed, or it might just be lack of sleep at work, but I could swear Karlene is avoiding answering me directly.

Still, a pineapple smoothie does sound good. So I let her steer me off the path after an extremely short run.

“Come on, this will cheer you up.”

I’m sure it will be delicious, but I seriously doubt it will make me feel any better. There’s only one thing that will, and he happens to be off-limits.



I’m more nervous today than the day we broke up, when I could tell something was wrong.

I’m worried she’ll be mad at me for deceiving her.

That she’ll walk away before I have the chance to talk.

That she’ll say no or, even worse, change her mind about me entirely and decide I’m too much trouble.

But the wheels have been set in motion. The owners of L’aile have been great. Granted, they’re being paid well for it, but still. I’m grateful for what they’ve done on such short notice.

My phone buzzes. It’s Karlene.

Almost there

I put it back in my pocket and stand. The minute Ada walks through the doors to this outside area, she’ll see me and . . . what? Turn and walk away?

I’m about ready to vomit. My stomach is turning, Nanny Mary’s words from last week ringing in my ear.

You’re a good man, Hayden.

When I told my parents what I planned, they weren’t thrilled, but they didn’t flip. Which is more than I expected. I wonder what they’ll think if I call back and tell them,Psych. Not engaged after all.

The moment I’ve been waiting for all week, three weeks actually, is here. The door opens, and Ada’s standing there in her running clothes, similar to that day in my apartment.

So incredibly beautiful.

“What the—?” She turns to Karlene, my new confidant. Ring sizer and shopper. The one who helped me arrange all of this.

“You knew about this,” Ada accuses.

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