Page 19 of Ranger

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He poured the champagne in each of their long fluted glasses and then removed the warming lid from her plate. Everything was perfect and he knew she would love it. It was fettuccine Alfredo with grilled chicken. Who wouldn't love that? There were also some delicious appetizers on the table for them to share. They each had a side salad and once they were done there was a delicious cherry cheesecake for them to enjoy.

He began to eat and to slowly savor a marvelous meal that had obviously been prepared by a very good chef. “What do you think of the food here so far?”

“It's been worth coming here just for the food.” Toni observed.

“It was good in Las Vegas too, but so far, the variety has been larger here.”

“I can't deny that it is good in both locations.”

“We are considering putting in a European restaurant.” Ranger admitted.

“Why don't you have an Asian one?”

“We do and that one is on the roof.”

“I didn't realize.”

“We will have to try it soon. Do you want some more champagne?’

“What are we celebrating with the champagne?” Toni wondered.

“Maybe I am just celebrating having a lovely evening with a beautiful woman that I care about.”

She blushed a pretty pink. He wished that she was ready to move on, but he wasn't sure. Should he try anyway?

Chapter 6

Time To Move On

She knew it was time to move on. Oh no, not on down the road but forward with this relationship. Toni was aware this had been very hard on Ranger, and she knew a man could only wait for so long before he gave up. They've been stuck at this point whether it was only one more place to go physically and she had put it off a long time. Why? She had never done this before, and it scared her.

That wasn't the only feeling she had because it was an excitement about the thought a finely knowing what this would be like. His touch and his kiss thrilled her and something that felt that amazing had to lead to things that were even better, didn't it? There was only one way to find out. This time, when he pulled her in his arms and gave her one of those amazing kisses that made her heartbeat faster and excited her to the point where she was even a little dizzy, she didn't pull back. He would find no discouragement here, not this time.

Ranger seemed to sense that something had changed. He pulled back and looked deep in her eyes as if he was trying to see what she had decided. She nodded and he drew the right conclusion because he lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom. This experienced man was shaking a little from the desire he felt for her. It made her feel like a goddess to be so desired by a man like Ranger who could easily be compared to a god.

Now he began to unbutton her shirt, but it seemed to frustrate him, and he ripped it open ruining one of her favorite ones. Toni knew that by the time he was through with her, she wouldn't think about the shirt at all. He pulled it off of her and tossed it to the side and then looked at her bra which clasped in the front. This seemed to please him, and he was able to remove it in no time. Next, he pulled his shirt off and bared his chest to her.

This man was sexy. His chest was hard and well-muscled, but she reached out to touch it and his skin was silky making her want to touch it even more. But her attention was drawn to his activities as he managed somehow to undo her pants and slide them in her underwear down together. She was now naked, and she shivered. The only one with any clothing left on was him but even as she looked to see what he was going to do about it, his pants and anything he may have worn underneath it, got pulled down.

It was true she didn't know a great deal about men and even less about naked men, but surely what he had could not be the usual. That made her think could that possibly fit? But then she remembered how skilled he seemed in undressing a woman and undressing himself and if he was experienced then yes it had fit and she didn't like the way her thoughts we're going so she tried to stop thinking about that at all as he joined her on the bed and kissed her.

He began to kiss her and move his way down her body. His hands stroked her making her come alive with need. She felt hot, almost ready to combust if she didn't get what she needed but she wasn't sure what that was. His lips had worked down to her breasts and he'd sucked in a nipple while he'd pinched the other. Toni was moving around and moaning needing something, wanting something now.

Ranger chuckled. He seemed to be enjoying himself and his need didn't seem to be on level with hers, not yet anyway. It was time to drive his need higher so he wouldn't just be playing with hers. Her hands began to explore his body stroking his silky skin. They moved to his chest, and she stroked and lightly pinched his male nipples. She thought that now his heat would begin to rise, and he would stop teasing her like he was.

He moved back up her body so that he could kiss her on her mouth and that kiss was full of desire and energy. “Let me make this good for you.”

Wasn't that what he was doing now? She nodded and now he worked his way back down her body. Maybe he thought her impatient, but this need was so strong that she didn't think she could wait. But as he move past her stomach, she was wondering what was he going to do? She found out soon as she felt his hands spread her legs wide and his tongue moved to her clit where he began to circle it as his finger moved to her passage. Oh, goodness. Nothing had ever felt like this before.

His finger began to move in and out as his tongue circled and her mind was centered on what he was doing there. He added another finger and although his fingers were big, she was ready for him. One more finger and now his tongue began to dance around her clit, and something was building but she didn't know what. The feeling was marvelous, and she wanted more, much more. Suddenly she was caught up in something incredible and amazing that made her whole body go wild. Ranger pressed one finger deeper than the rest and she felt a little pinch, but it didn't bother her as her body thrashed and enjoyed the incredible feeling he was giving her.

Ranger didn't hesitate as he slid up her body and slowly slid all the way in. It was a tight fit and she felt a little bit of a pinch but after he moved in and out a few times, she had adjusted to him. He began to speed up and her legs wrapped around him as her toes searched out a place to anchor herself. They decided on his butt cheeks. She had to admit she was enjoying the ride as he sped up until he was pounding into her. Toni knew she would be sore later, but she just didn't care because she was building to something that would be incredible.

He made noises as he felt the same wave of excitement moving toward him ready to take them both with it to its ultimate destination. It built up so much, that finally she felt a tiny explosion followed by one after another larger explosions. Ranger bit her neck hard, so she bit him back and the explosions just started all over again. By the time they were done, she passed out and he worried since he didn't know how long this would last or what he should do with her.

There was a chance that she might go into heat, and he knew that she would need to eat well to regain the energy that she would need for her change. Usually, he was a very good planner but this time he had just followed his emotions until he could no longer stop. It was a shame that he didn't have a trusted female that he could bring in to help her through this. Maybe he made a terrible mistake by leaving many of his trusted people in Vegas.

They were here and the two of them were mated and mistake or not he had to do the best he could. Toni hadn't made any friends here yet. One of the problems had been Zaya and another had been that she didn't know any of these people and they had just been working together a few weeks. Rather than send one of their healers here it had been decided to use human doctors. That's why right now he was having a lot of regrets. But that also made him think, what kind of healers did they have on the ship?

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