Page 20 of Ranger

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Ranger called them and asked if they had any female healers. “The healer in charge is a female and one of the assistants is a female. Several others are as well but they are training in our medicine.”

“If I ask for one of them, would they have access to the information they need to help someone through a new change?”

“Congratulations! I believe I know exactly who to send to you and they know a little bit and can figure out the rest with the help of the rest of the medical team.”

He must have been talking to a human because they were gone. Maybe they considered it an emergency? Ranger could hardly complain when 5 minutes later a middle-aged female had been sent down to assist his mate. The vibes he got off of her were that she was kind and helpful. she also seemed to have a little bit of knowledge about the best way to deal with the issues that came on with a change.

“This is important to handle carefully because most of these people here are not aware that we shift into dragons. And I will admit to you even though you won't approve that my mate wasn't aware that I was a shifter. She is aware that there are dragons but not that they are shifters. I'm not sure how she will take it although I do believe she will take it better than most.”

“Trying to work your way up to it huh?”

She had a twinkle in her eye as she assessed the situation. “You might as well go and begin your work for the day because she will need to sleep until she wakes on her own then take a shower then eat as much as she can handle, and I suspect then she will be unable to avoid going back to sleep. There will be some pain and we do have some herbs from your planet on hand that will help ease that slightly. When she wakes, I will notify you, although I don't see any real need for you to come until she wakes the second time that is entirely up to you.”

“My name is Ranger and hers is Toni. What is yours?”

“I am Amy, and I am studying to be a regular healer. Here on this planet, I am a doctor.”

Was this the answer to one of his problems? This lady seemed to be perfect for the position because she was both a doctor which was what they had decided on and a healer which was what he preferred. Since Toni wanted to become a doctor maybe working with Amy would be a good thing for her. Once this place was set-up and operating properly, it was his hope that his Toni could go back and become a full-fledged healer/doctor. This was the plan because he knew that Toni had always dreamed of being exactly that.

Meanwhile there were other issues and he needed them dealt with. A guard had been put on his room and was aware that the doctor and a patient were in there in isolation. No one was to go past a closed door even when delivering food. Right now, viruses were a big thing on this planet, and he was sure no one would question that. Hopefully, that would make his mate safe from any humans. Rogues were another issue entirely but the guard might catch any activity by them and call it in in time that they could be thwarted.

Ranger left, but not because he wanted to. Even though it was the middle of the night because Amy had come from the ship and had no clue what the time was down here, there were things he could do to help their work along. Dragons didn't need nearly the sleep that humans did unless they overwork themselves and then it took time to catch up on their energy. Some of the people he was having to call were on different time schedules and therefore this was not a bad time to call them. Since he wasn't sure how long Toni would be unable to help, he needed to do extra to cover for her.

It was morning now and the healer had called him and told him that Toni had woke briefly and took a shower, ate a large meal, And then went back to bed and was now once again deep asleep. He'd been disappointed that he missed her being awake, but please that she had woke. Her sleep had been so deep it had worried him. Now he had no choice but to start the workday and see what they could get done.

This was one of their breakfast meetings because while they didn't have one every day, they still had some occasionally. Their breeding specialist had given them a list of suggestions and they would be discussing those and probably approving them because who knew as much as he did? Another thing that had been suggested because someone had found a new fence company that made theirs out of recycled plastic. It looked just like wood until you touched it, it was reasonably priced especially if you compared it to wood, and they had gotten a large grant to begin their company since it recycled tons of plastic that would otherwise go in the landfills.

That was a very exciting possibility because it would clean up landfills while providing something that was needed at a reasonable cost. That would not work for us for the park that we were currently doing since it was already nearly fenced in. But we could try it on the park that was the furthest from us and see how it worked. Just because something sounded like a good idea and seemed good didn't make it so. But Ranger hope that it was, and he was willing to give it a shot on the small park the furthest from the resort.

The last thing they were discussing with security. Several parks were suffering from break ins and property was being devastated. These parks were further away and there was no property to steal only the land to destroy. He gave a couple of leaders an assignment to deal with the plastic fencing and the breeding program.

“What about the security issue?” Bobby, one of his younger middle managers, asked.

“Toni and I will deal with that. I will contact some of you if our solution doesn't work.”

After everyone finished eating, he dismissed them to get back to their work. It was a perfect solution for the parks, and he would have several dragons at each park camping out and ready to take action if anyone that shouldn't be there showed up. If they were human, they wouldn't stand a chance. If they were rogues at least his dragons would stand a chance. As far as he could see there was no other way to handle this at all. With everyone dismissed it was time to go and see how Toni was doing. It amazed him that no one had asked what Toni was but that showed what a strong message Zaya leaving the group had sent them all.

None of them really knew why she had been terminated although they all knew at least some of the things she had done. These were all young and hungry executives and none of them wanted to lose such a great job and possibly get a bad reference that would prevent them from ever getting a job this good. Ranger thought it was always a good idea to get in a job and learn a little bit about it before you started trying to drive your opinions down your manager’s throat. That was a good lesson and it seemed like all these new managers had learned that one.

He headed down the hall to the elevator and caught it up to the hall in front of his room. There were still some worries with his management group because it was just so hard to believe that Zaya had been the only one in the whole group that was a spy. All he could do at this point is hope that it was true and go see his new mate. His phone buzzed as he got to the door. Ranger went on in because he was sure that the message would tell him that she was awake.

“That was fast!” Amy observed. “I've got enough food for all three of us unless you would like a private dinner?”

“That's all right. I'm sure Toni would like the extra company.”

“Ranger is that you?” Toni called from the dining room.

He stepped inside the room a little further and she could see him.

“How are you feeling today?” He asked.

“Better now than earlier. I'm still not sure exactly what happened to me.” She wondered and looked over at Amy.

“Don't look at me. I already told you that this is something Ranger needs to explain.” The healer said.

“I just don't understand that. This is a medical matter.” Toni observed.

“You're right in a way. It is both a medical matter and a life matter.”

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