Page 18 of Ranger

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“Are you saying you were just trying to help me out?”

“Exactly! You are not safe here.”

“Well thank you for trying to help me but you do realize you've gotten yourself into a lot of trouble. Where did you get that machine gun from and how did you get in here.”

“Joe has people inside. A plane dropped me close to here with the gun and someone let me in a backdoor. Everyone wants to help you.”

“What is your name?”

“George like the dragon slayer?” Toni asked.

“Yes, that was why he chose me.”

“I have always heard that not all dragons are ferocious.”

“You believe there are dragons?”

“I don't know, but I believe there may have been in our past since there are so many stories about them. But not all stories have bad dragons. But this Joe that you are dealing with has killed many people and terrorized women. I know a few that left their homes to escape him and since then I never heard from them again.

I don't know if they are safe or if he killed them. I fear him far more right now than I do a dragon.”

“That I will have to think about since I was not aware of any of it. What do you think they will do with me?” George asked.

She looked at Ranger, so George did as well. “For now, we will check out his story, but he will have some choices and we will not kill him.”

That seemed to make George feel relieved. If he knew his choices, he might not feel so good about it after all. He had caused them some problems even if they had not lasted long. If he helped them catch the infiltrator, they might feel more kindly toward him. At least he had given them some place to start. There was no denying he had answered some questions that had been a bother to them. At least they could be sure now that superior technology had not been how he had gotten into their building. In some ways, it felt worse than the traitor had it but at least that was someone they could capture and deal with.

Ranger can see that Toni felt for the guy and thought that he had been used. On that they could both agree the guy had been used. On this world they thought that people who had mental issues should not be judged the same way as those who didn't. The problem was that also caused many people to pretend to have mental issues that were really just lazy or greedy. That didn't seem right either. There had to be a balance, but no one had yet found it.

“We need to go now.” Ranger directed.

“OK, goodbye, George. I wish you luck.” Toni turned to Ranger who took her arm and pulled her away. They went back to their office where they would discuss what they had learned and what they thought about it.

“I see he had your sympathy, but did you feel anything beyond that?”

“Like what?” She asked.

“I don't know, did you feel like he was being completely honest with you. Was there something he might have been hiding?”

“It's in people's nature to hide things. I'm sure he had some doubts but allowed himself to be swayed especially if Joe had pictures. You've heard that saying about a picture being worth 1000 words.” Toni said.

“What does it mean?”

“It's not much different from seeing is believing. You can hear something that someone is telling you about what they've seen, but that's easy to doubt. There was a time that you could believe a picture or a movie. The problem is these days they are too easy to fake. A really good graphic artist can do anything and make it look real. I know you had a dragon in your basement because I saw him, and I felt him, and it was almost like he was trying to talk to me. That still doesn't make me sure that if they have pictures and video of a dragon that it is real.”

“OK, I understand now.” He did sort of. Humans were different. so very different and he understood that as well as he could.

They got back on their work and then worked very hard until it was nearly suppertime. It was actually later than they should have worked but they were close to having some things done and they wanted to finish them. “Why don't we have supper up in my suite?” Ranger asked.


He saw she was tired, and he knew this would be easier for her. They went back to the elevator that they often used. Why this one? It was restricted and you could only use it if you had the key which he did. It also went up at the end of the hall right by his suite. They could go there basically without being seen by anyone and that led to less questions because Toni was very private and didn't like questions.

Once they made it to his suite, he opened the door and pulled her in and push the door closed. Now he pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss that let her know how much he wanted her. It was moments later but there was a knock on the door. He motioned to Toni to sit down and went back to open the door and a cart was rolled in and up to the table where the waiter began to set everything up for two. When the waiter was done, he quickly turned and left.

“Are you ready to eat now sweetheart?” Ranger asked.

“I'm starved.” She sat down in the chair he indicated and waited to see what she needed to do next.

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