Page 90 of Blood Reign

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Erik glared at her, and she laughed as Evangeline’s hand shot out, slapping her hard across the face. The blow reverberated with magic, and as the darkness took her pain exploded through her eye.

She came back to consciousness slowly. First there was only pain. Then she felt the cuffs holding her wrists high overhead, and the cold wet stones beneath her feet. She’d been a princess long enough that she knew she was in the dungeon even before she opened her eyes, inhaling the scent of urine and wet dog. A vaguely familiar, thick shadow moved in front of the bars that lined the cell.

“You’re the King’s right-hand man, Alaric,” she said, lifting her head. “Don’t you have better things to do than babysitting me?”

“I’ll try not to take offense to that,” Harker laughed, opening the cell door, stepping inside.

Mina tensed. “Are you…what are you doing here?”

“This,” he said, wrapping a blanket around her midsection, and lifting her legs off the ground. Relief flooded through her as the pain in her shoulders eased, and the blanket’s warmth soaked into her skin.

“You are my favorite person in the entire world right now,” she groaned.

“I’m working on a way to get you away from this place, but I can’t undo these manacles on my own. They’re enchanted,” he said. “Silver.”

“Okay.” Mina nodded. “Do you know where Lucy is? Did she really escape?”

He hissed. “Shh, yes. I was able to get her out. We’re working on a plan. You just have to hang on.”

“Literally,” she sighed.

“You’re strong, Mina. If anyone can survive this, it’s you. We’ll get you out, and then we can figure out how to save Erik. I promise,” he said, squeezing her tight to his chest.

She nodded. “I’ll survive. You should go. Before someone catches you being nice to me.”

“Close your eyes, try and get some sleep. I’ll be fine in here for a few minutes at least,” he said.

“No.” She shook her head. “I won’t put you at risk. I’ll be fine. You should go,” she said, rolling her shoulders.

“I don’t want to leave you like this,” he said, the pain visible on his face.

“You’re a good man, Harker. I’d like you to stay that way,” she said, leaning her forehead against his. “Go find Lucy, help her. Protect her. I’ll survive. I can survive so long as I know you’re out there protecting her. So please…go.”

He nodded once, and slowly set her legs back down. He held the blanket around her for a few moments longer, waiting for her to give him the okay, and then without another word he slipped out of the cell and disappeared into the shadows outside her cell.

The pain burned through her shoulders again, but she hadn’t lied to him. Knowing his cousin was out there, knowing they were both still in her corner made her feel better. She could fight if they were out there alive and free. She’d fight for them. Her friends. Her family. She should’ve asked him about Aria, but her gut told her Aria would be fine. She was stronger than she pretended to be. Mina had no doubt her best friend could keep herself out of trouble.

Now, the real question was how wouldshetake care of herself? The light in the cell was too dim for her to make out much of anything on the manacles holding her aloft. The only light sat on the wall outside her cell, and off to the side, casting everything in a dark green glow.

She tried to pull herself up, testing the strength of her chains, but it sent fresh pain through her body. All she could do was hang there and wait. For what she couldn’t be sure.

Lucky for her, they didn’t make her wait long at all. Just as her eyes began to drift close for sleep, she heard the sound of footsteps once more. The air grew cold, and a familiar head of brown, almost black hair came into view. Dressed in a dark blue cloak, and a fine deep purple gown, Evangeline looked just as Mina’s father had always wished her to look. Submissive and regal.

“Well, if it isn’t the dead woman. Come to haunt my dreams,” Mina muttered, letting her eyes close as the cell door slid open.

Evangeline chuckled from beneath her hood. “Oh, I’m very much alive, Princess Mina. Can’t you feel it? You and I are bound after all. It is thanks to you, that I have found my way back from the abyss.”

Mina couldn’t help it. Opening her eyes, she arched an eyebrow. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

She laughed again. “Of course, you don’t. This plan has been in motion for more than fifty years.”

Mina rolled her eyes and angled her head, so it rested on her arm. “Do tell. Your voice is lulling me to sleep.”

Evangeline growled, and her hand shot from beneath her cloak, grabbing Mina by the chin, digging her nails into her skin. “You will speak to me with respect. I am queen.”

“Not my queen.” Mina snarled through her teeth.

The other woman’s nostrils flared, and magic pulsed through Mina’s chin, sending an agonizing pain through her skull. The pain peaked, Mina hissed, and at the same time, Evangeline jerked her head back crying out in pain too. The pain faded in Mina’s head, and Evangeline stood upright again, panting heavily.

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