Page 89 of Blood Reign

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Maggie’s power burned around her neck as Maggie marched her through the palace, back toward the great hall. The crackling energy around her neck seared against her skin every time she swallowed her tried to move out of the witch’s desired direction.

“Keep walking,” Maggie hissed. “You don’t want to keep the queen waiting.”

“What are you talking about?” Mina grunted. “There is no queen.”

Maggie laughed, and a pain jabbed her in the ribs forcing her to take another step forward. “There was always a queen, she was gone for a while, but she’s back now, and I personally can’t wait to see what punishment she has planned for you.”

Mina growled, but before she could move to fight the witch’s control, Maggie shoved her forward with a hand to the center of her back.

Mina tripped, collapsing to all fours before the double doors of the great hall. Her magic collar burned violently against her skin and she screamed against the pain as the doors opened to reveal the court assembled inside.

“Get up,” Maggie sighed, stepping up beside her.

Mina spit blood at her feet, and scrambled to her feet, using the leg of the nearest guard for leverage. Every eye in the room was turned to her. Their faces pale with confusion. Mina ignored them and looked to the throne where Erik stood a few steps down from the dais. He had his back to her, and sitting on the throne—

Mina’s heart leapt into her throat. The woman sitting on the throne was the woman from the portraits. Her long dark hair sat wild around her shoulders. Her skin was pale white, her lips red as a ruby.

“Bring her forward,” Andrea called, appearing on the side of the dais beside Erik.

Mina was too shocked to fight it this time. Maggie pushed her and all she could do was fall in line and walk forward. Evangeline was supposed to be dead. It couldn’t possibly be the person who was in front of her. It had to be some vile form of magic. A curse, necromancy. Something.

Erik didn’t turn until the witch forced her to her knees at the foot of the throne. She tried to meet his eye, but Maggie’s spell pulled her down into a peasant bow, forcing her forehead to touch the floor.

“So, this is the welp that thought she could take my place?” A strange voice called out from above her. The voice of a dainty woman so sickly sweet it made her stomach churn.

Mina swallowed reflexively and winced as Maggie’s spell cut into her skin. Her gut wanted to fight and kick and scream against whatever this was that was happening, but she knew now wasn’t the time to fight.

Even without Maggie’s spell holding her in place she was at a severe disadvantage. She needed more information. She needed to understand what the hell had happened between her leaving the party and walking up to go find Aria.

“I want to see her face,” Evangeline said, in that same voice.

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Maggie said, grabbing a fistful of Mina’s hair, yanking it back, forcing her to sit back on her heels.

Mina glared up at the witch and then looked to the throne where Evangeline had gotten to her feet and walked down to stand before her. Erik stood at her side.

“I can see the resemblance,” Evangeline said. “You chose her parents well, Andrea, but Darling, did you really think thatshewas me?”

Evangeline, Maggie and Andrea laughed, as Erik smiled at her. “A moment of temporary insanity.”

“Does she have magic?” Evangeline grabbed Mina by the chin and turned her face to the left and right. “Is she at least useful?”

“Her blood has magic in it, but it’s untapped,” Erik said, and Mina tensed as she looked up at him.

She saw no recognition or love in his gaze. The King she’d met in the garden, the man who’d confessed his love for her was gone. This man, the vampire that stood before her, was a stranger.

“Take her to the dungeon. I’ll figure out a fitting punishment for her,” Evangeline sighed. “Bring forward the other witch, what was her name?”

A figure stepped out of Mina’s periphery. Alaric. He looked as he always did. Leather pants, shirtless save for his bandolier of daggers. “I’m afraid the witch has escaped our patrols, but we will find her soon enough.”

Mina’s heart lurched into her throat. Lucy had escaped. That was good at least, maybe if she could—

“Erik,” his name shot from her lips before she could take a second to think about it. Looking up she saw his surprise. “I know this isn’t you. I still remember what you said in the garden. She’s done something to you hasn’t she?”

“She’s insane.” He laughed, turning to Evangeline. He hooked his arms around her waist and pulled her flush with his body. “As if I could love anyone but you.”

Mina smiled, surging to her feet as Maggie’s spell dissipated and the wolf guards came forward to take her by the arms. “Funny how you knew exactly what I was referring to, isn’t it?”

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