Page 54 of Pursued

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Pulling me to him, Gage holds me close. His hands run down my back as I grip his shirt. I hate that this day is supposed to be about fun and I crapped all over it instead.

“We’re going to find him, Sophia. You’re going to have the life you want; I promise.”

“Don’t make promises you may not be able to keep.”

He steps back. In a move I’ll always attribute to him, he cups my face and places a calming kiss on my lips. I lean into him, quietly begging for more. Instead, he drops his hands, leaving me full of want.

“I know I said we’d stay for fireworks but what if we went back to the cabin and hoped to see some of the show from there instead?”

I sigh in relief. “Can we get donut holes before we go?”

He laughs, “Yeah, babe. We can get donut holes. Come on, you owe me a stroll by the water.”

We set off on our walk. The anxiety is still there, but pushing it down is gratefulness. I promised myself I would take back my power and the only way I can do that is to live in the moment and not the what-ifs.

Neither of us speak as we wander down the boardwalk. The floating footpath sways a little as we walk, a little like after you get off a boat and can’t find your land legs. Boats pulling wakeboarders and kids on inflatables are all over the vast lake. In the distance I even see a sailboat or two.

“Wow. This is amazing.”

“It’s pretty cool. There are cruise boats that take you around the lake too. A prerecorded spiel with the history of the surrounding areas plays the entire time. Bobbi told me they also have party cruises with different themes.”

“Serenity goes all out then.”

Gage chuckles. “Sounds like it. Maybe we can do one of those cruises another time or just come down to the lake and hang out by the water.”

“That would be nice.”

We continue on, watching the boaters and others on the boardwalk. As we come to the end, a little girl is standing off to the side by herself, clutching a pink stuffed animal to her chest. Gage slows our pace and looks around. There isn’t anyone else around. This child is all alone.

Quickly, we eat up the space between us and the girl. When we approach, her eyes fly up to us and she turns, pressing her body against the cement wall. Gage steps forward but I put my hand up to stop him. He nods and hangs back while I approach her.

“Hi sweetie. Did you lose your mommy?”

She sniffles and nods her head.

“My name is Sophia and that’s my friend, Gage. Would you like us to help you find her?”

“Mommy says strangers are bad.”

Her little cheeks are bright red and tear streaked. My heart aches for her and how afraid she must be.

“Your mommy is right. But my friend over there,” I say, pointing to Gage who has moved to the side instead of standing behind me. He’s a few steps closer to us and can hear what I’m saying. “He’s a policeman. Would it be okay if he came closer so we can help you?”

She turns her head to look at Gage. Thankfully her stuffed bunny isn’t real or the poor thing’s neck would be broken with how she’s holding it. Her assessment of Gage must pass approval because she eventually turns back to me and nods her head.

Gage approaches slowly and kneels on the ground. He’s still much taller than the child but at least he doesn’t look ten feet tall in her eyes.

“Hi there. My name is Gage. Thank you for letting me help you. Did your mom and dad tell you about strangers?”

Again she nods.

“That’s good. We’re going to help you find your mommy, okay?” Another nod. “Do you know your mommy’s phone number?”

She shakes her head. While Gage is talking to her, I stand and step aside. I can tell he’s asking her important questions as an officer, but his kindness is putting her at ease. I’ve read books where the heroine sees a man with a child and says her ovaries are exploding. That visual is not something that screams “hot” or “sexy” to me. But, standing here while Gage says something to make the child who was sobbing just minutes ago smile and giggle has my heart soaring, and if I listen closely, I can probably hear one of my ovaries pop.

“Sophia,” he says and waves me over. Standing now with the little girl in his arms he looks like a fantasy. “This is Lily. Her mom and dad are lost. I told her since I’m a little taller than her I would put her on my shoulders so she could look for them from up high.”

“Wow, Lily, that’s super cool. Is your mommy’s hair the same color as yours?”

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