Page 53 of Pursued

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Laughing, I use a little more strength and nestle my face in her neck, nibbling and kissing her until she’s in stitches. We’re both laughing and almost fall out of the chair when I stand, depositing her feet on the floor.

“Come on, let’s get you some coffee then I’ll follow you back to The Bluebird.”

I’m one step over the threshold when she asks, “Why are you following?”

Looking over my shoulder I deadpan, “You’re the one who said you needed to brush your teeth.”

Sophia rolls her eyes and follows me inside. While I pour coffee into a travel mug she disappears into the bathroom. I hear drawers and cupboards opening and closing with a growl of frustration here and there.

“How do you not have a spare toothbrush or... finally!”

I hear the water run briefly in the sink and then she’s behind me, arms wrapped around my waist. I turn and scoop her up, setting her on the small counter. Nestled between her legs, I take in her beauty. Leaning in for a kiss, I pause just before her lips and say, “You smell minty.”

She laughs and tugs my mouth to hers. I let her take the lead, controlling the pace of our kiss. When she pulls away, breathless, I drop my hands to her bare legs. “Do you have plans tomorrow?”

“No. It’s the Fourth of July so I figured I’d sit on Joan’s deck and watch fireworks.”

“How would you feel about going to the celebration in the park? From what I understand, there are food trucks and booths with local artisans selling their work. Plus, various local bands will be performing. The night ends with the big fireworks show.”

“Starlight Ridge has all of that?”

“Nope. We’ll drive over to Serenity. It’ll be fun.”

Sophia nibbles on her thumbnail. It’s a nervous tell and I recall the last time she had this look. “Babe, don’t worry. It’s safe. Remember, I’ll never let anything happen to you. Nobody knows you’re here. Let’s enjoy a little more of that normalcy you want to experience.”

“Okay. I trust you.”

Her trust isn’t something I take for granted, and having it means more than she’ll ever know.

Chapter 37


Dear future me,

I spent the night with Gage. We didn’t have sex or really do anything except kiss, but it was perfect. He accepts me without hesitation. I do the same for him. Logically I know this thing between us isn’t likely long-term or even fueled by true emotion. We’re attracted to one another. We’re here. We have fun together. We’re lonely.

Even still, I’m giddy thinking of him touching me. Holding me and kissing me. GAH! His kisses are beyond anything I’ve experienced before. Of course, I was young and the guys I went out with were the same age. Our experience was limited. Yet, I believe even at a younger age, Gage was a superior kisser. A master.

Today he’s taking me... on a date. He didn’t call it a date but it feels like a date. It’s the Fourth of July and a neighboring town—one much larger than Starlight Ridge—has a huge festival in the park. Music, food, and shopping. I admit to feeling an overwhelming amount of anxiety even if I believe Gage will keep me safe. He wouldn’t take me if there was a chance the stalker could find me. Nobody knows I’m here.

I’m not in danger. This day is necessary for me in order to move forward and take back my power.

Chapter 38


Gage hasn’t let go of my hand unless it has been to pull out his wallet. I’m grateful for the connection. I knew today would be difficult and push my limits in almost every way. What I didn’t know was how much the sensory overload would affect me. His grip is an anchor, keeping me from completely withdrawing.

“Why don’t we take a walk around the lake? Get away from the crowds for a bit.”

“How did you know?” I ask, my voice quivering.

He turns to grab both hands and bends his knees to look me in the eye. “When you’re nervous, you nibble on your thumbnail. Plus, it’s possible your grip fractured my hand. Mostly, you haven’t smiled or laughed in the last hour, no matter how funny and witty I’ve been.”

I give him a small smile, swallowing down the emotions bubbling inside. I’m overwhelmed not only from the sounds, smells, and crowds of people but because being here with him feels so normal. Everything about this day has been what people do every single day. They go to the park and play games or listen to music. Couples walk hand in hand talking about life and their future.

“Is it possible to miss something you’ve never had? A sense of loss and disappointment for having this glimmer of what life could have been—what could be? What if that never happens for me? What if Detective Randel never finds him and I never get to have days like today?”

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