Before the Fall

Author: Abbi Cook
Category: Romance | New Adult
Total pages: 56

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Before the Fall

Settle in for the wild ride to the end of the Captive Hearts series!

I wasn’t supposed to fall for Tia. She should have been no one to me.
She turned out to be the only soul I truly care about in this world. She knew what I was, and still she loved me. But every minute we spent together meant she wasn’t safe because of the life I lead. I knew I had to let her go.
So I ignored my heart and walked away.
Now I find out what I did was all for nothing. She’s marked for death by the head of my family.
Loyalty dictates I stand by as he kills her. Love demands I protect her with all I have. I’m nothing but a killer without her, but who am I without my family?

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