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Saying that out loud made me think about my conversation with Geli. Listening to her speak about the importance of community when she was raising her son, I realised how much easier things were and how much happier I was when I allowed reliable people to help me.

When I’d written my list, I’d thought learning the language and being more independent was the key to solving my problems, but now I saw there was no shame in having support. Just like with my business, I didn’t have to do everything alone. Whether it was my parents looking after Leo whilst I was working in London, Marta babysitting when I went to lessons, or asking my friends for advice, having a community was essential. I could be strong and independent and still ask others to lend a hand.

‘I’m so happy you’re making the most of her offer to babysit. It’s important to give yourself a break,’ said Bella.

‘Yeah, things are good on that front, and thanks to Lorenzo and our almost dailyworkouts, I’m feeling much more relaxed too. No need for those gifts you bought me, Rox!’ I laughed.

‘Glad to hear it! But don’t get complacent. You’ve got to keep the excitement going. Have you tried dressing up for him or role play?’

‘Er,no! I’m just relieved to even be having sex again. A month ago I thought I was destined for a life of chastity.’

‘The transformation has been amazing, Soph! Told you things would get better once you stopped breastfeeding and practised more often.’

‘And started exploring your body again...’

‘Yes,thank you. You both gave good advice. It’s still early days, though. Don’t want to run before I can walk. And we’re a bit limited on fancy dress here. Not as if I can just nip out and buy a nurse’s outfit!’

‘You don’t have to dress up like a French maid or nurse. It could just be something simple, like sexy secretary. Do you have a mac?’


‘So when Lorenzo comes home, just,you know, greet him in your heels, coat and nothing underneath. Then when he opens the door you can appear, drop the mac to the floor andta-da! That’lldefinitelyget him going.’

‘Sounds like you’re an expert.’

‘Might have done it a few times…’ She winked.

Maybe I’d consider it. Would be good to keep the excitement going.

‘Guys, I hate to be a party pooper,’ said Bella, ‘but I’ve got a lesson to prepare for tomorrow, so I’m going to have to love you and leave you.’

‘No worries, I better get going too,’ said Roxy.

‘Getting ready for a booty call?’

‘No! I’m not all about sex, you know.’

Bella and I burst out laughing. ‘Could have fooled us!’

‘Bloody cheek!I’m abusinesswomanwith responsibilities. No nookie for me tonight. I need to get my rest so I can be fresh for my eight a.m. meeting.’

‘Good for you!’ I nodded. ‘And now Leo’s fast asleep, I’m going to clean up the kitchen and then get ready for Lorenzo to come home…’

‘Go get it, girl!’ said Roxy. ‘And remember.Sexy secretary…’

I rolled my eyes. ‘Goodnight, lovelies.’

‘Night, night,’ they said.

Ah, I loved those ladies. I really did hope we could keep up our phone calls and messages. Speaking to them really lifted my mood. And it seemed almost criminal to have all this technology that allowed us to communicate so easily and not use it.

I remembered living in France for a year when I was at uni. I had to wait days to get Bella’s handwritten letters in the post. There was no WhatsApp, FaceTime or Zoom.Jeez. Sounded like I was born in the Dark Ages. I was so used to my smartphone and apps, it was hard to imagine a time without them.

Anyway, enough reminiscing. It was almost ten. Lorenzo would be home in half an hour, so no time to tidy the kitchen. I’d do it in the morning.

Maybe I’d take Roxy’s advice and put on some heels and a mac. Give Lorenzo a nice welcome home after a hard day at work.Yep.I was becoming more comfortable about getting naked. Wearing a nightdress to bed was now a distant memory.

I’d barely got my T-shirt and leggings off before the door slammed. Lorenzo was home early? I heard him talking Italian. Probably on the phone. He’d want to end his conversation once he saw what I had in store for him…

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