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“I know when I’ve been outmatched,” I admit.

Noticeably avoiding the question, his lips curled into a smirk. “I’ll take it easy on you,” he replied, rubbing his hands together.


It’s almost lunchtime before we’re done with our workout. After getting a reluctant okay from Seth to hit the showers once his post workout evaluation was over. I shower and change into a simple muscle shirt and a pair of board shorts, my thoughts worked overtime trying to pinpoint where I knew Andre from.

I know there’s more to his story than he’s leading on.

“You doing alright?” Seth worried.

“You can stop worrying. I’m fine.”

“Really? Because Andre worked you pretty hard?”

Feeling the burn in a few muscles I haven’t worked out in a while, I knew I’d probably be feeling this workout for the next couple of days. “That was nothing,” I lied.

“Tell that to your heart rate,” Seth countered, looking at the stats on my apple watch.

Yanking my wrist away, I felt like a fraud in my own life, weak and unsure. I hated it. “It’s nothing. Would you stop worrying?” I said, a little too harshly.

Running my hand through my hair with frustration, it wasn’t Seth I was angry with. It was me.

“I’m sorry, man It’s hard finding my place without hockey, and feeling sub-par because of my health condition.”

Seth clapped me on the back. “Just looking out for you.”

Nodding with understanding, "I know, and I appreciate it." I clapped him on the back, knowing his intentions were good. Before I could say anything further, my cell phone rang. Based on the tone, I knew who it was before I even dug it out of my pocket.

“Hey, Mia, what’s up?” I asked, happy to steal a moment with my sister.

“I just got off the phone with Dad,” she sighed, and immediately I felt anxious for her.

“And what did he want?” I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose to ward off the headache that usually comes anytime we mentioned our father.

“He wants me to come to his new place, but I don’t want to go alone. When are you coming home?”

“The cruise doesn’t end until late next week. When does he want you to come by?”

“This weekend,” she whined.

“Why don’t you take Jake with you?”

“I could, but I was really hoping you’d come with me.”

Even though my sister knew there was tension between my father and I, she was continuously trying to throw us back together. “Alright,” I groaned. “If I must be there with you, tell Dad you’re busy until the end of the month and I’ll come with you,” I caved, putting my pride aside for my baby sister.

“Seriously?” she asked, the enthusiasm returning. “You’d really come with me?”

“You know I’d do pretty much anything for you, Mia.”

“I freakin’ love you. I wish you were here right now so I could hug you.” She cheered with excitement.

“So, while I have you. You’d never guess who I ran into?”



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