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Never Backed Down


After the conversation with Stephanie last night, what she had said about us both being at fault for the past weighed heavily on not only my mind but also my heart. Lying awake in bed for hours, replaying the night repeatedly, I didn’t sleep for shit.

Glancing at the time on my phone, I realized there wasn’t much point in lying here any longer. Throwing the sheets off, I pulled myself out of bed and hung my head in my hands before crossing the room with an exhausted groan. Knowing I wasn’t obligated to work out this morning, I still needed to let off some of the tension I’d been carrying.

Rolling my shoulders, they were stiff and sore from sleeping on a different pillow. Picking up my phone, I enabled the Wi-Fi and brought up the group chat between Seth, Bradly, and I.

ME: Mornin’ anyone up for a workout?

I ask, hitting send. Watching the conversation bubbles bounce, Seth is the first to respond.

SETH: I could use a workout.

BRADLY: You’ll have to give me ten minutes to change.

ME: Sounds good. Let’s meet outside the gym.

The conversation bubbles bounce again.

BRADLY: Which deck?

ME: Deck E.

BRADLY: Alright. I’ll see you as soon as I’m cleaned up.

SETH: I’m on my way. I’ll catch up with you in a minute.

Setting my phone aside, I dressed, then packed a workout bag for the gym. Ready to go, I checked my phone one last time for any messages before adding it to my duffle.

Meeting with the guys a few minutes later, Seth claps me on the back. “Looking stiff. Didn’t sleep well?”

“Slept fine. It’s the pillows doing the damage,” I replied, Bradly, joining us a moment later.

“Yours too?”

Chuckling at our discomfort, Seth shook his head. “You two are getting soft in your old ages.”

“You’re older than we are,” I retorted. “You’re probably older than Bradly and I combined,” I teased, knowing that wasn’t the case.

“And yet I feel fine,” he boasted.

Entering the gym, the three of us approach the receptionist’s desk. “Good morning gentleman, how can I help you?”

Glancing at the young woman, she couldn’t be over nineteen. Skimming over her nametag, I smiled. “Well, Becky, the guys and I are looking for access to the gym during our stay. We each have an all-inclusive VIP pass.”

“Of course,” she smiled. Adverting her attention to her computer, she typed on the keyboard before her attention returned. “I'll just need to get a copy of your id and your pass from each of you, to get you set up in our system.”

“Yes, of course.” It only took her a few moments to get everything settled.

Hoping the exercise would keep my mind off Stephanie, I spotted Andre and Anne Marie working out together at the chest press station. It’s amazing how many things they can do together.

Spotting me first, Anne Marie tipped her chin in our direction, which had Andre turning. Smirking with amusement, he rubbed his hands together. “I was wondering when we’d see you in the gym,” he said, sizing us up.

“Guess you can take hockey off the table, but the workout routine remains,” I offered with a shrug.

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