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My jaw dropped, shocked, frustrated and saddened with every turn of the conversation. Where was this woman fifteen, twenty, thirty years ago?

“Thomas? Are you there?” She hesitated, afraid Ihad disappeared again.

Ipinched my nose, controlling my temper. “I’mhere.”

“What do you say then? Are you busy now? We can have alate-night snack. Ican whip up your favorite clam chowder.” Iheard her opening and closing cupboards. “Your father will be so pleased to see you!”

“Mother, don’t, not now.” Iwaited for the other line to be silent. “It’slate and Ihave work obligations. Ican do Friday evening.”

“Okay, okay, Friday is just as good. Any day to see you would be agood day.”

“Thanks,” Ireplied, incapable of saying anything else.

Nothing in my arsenal could’ve prepared me for this. Iwelcomed her warmth and Ifeared it, feared being triggered when Isaw them, feared the lashing out and ruin of everything.

Ihad to bring amiddleman to this dinner. Iconsidered Zach and dropped it just as fast, unable to bring myself to ask him for another huge favor, even though he would’ve probably said yes in aheartbeat.

Idid have another friend here, someone far more empathic than I’dever be. “Could Ibring someone over?”

“Absolutely, Zach is always welcome.”

“Not Zach. Her name’sErin, my coworker.” Ididn’tmiss how Ihadn’tcalled her myemployee. “She’sbeen helping me adjust to the new job and neighborhood. I’dlike you to meet her.”

“Ilove her already. Yes, the answer is of course.”

“I’ll see you Friday at seven?”

“Sounds great, we’ll be waiting.” She paused and just when Iwas about to hang up, she said through achoked voice, “Ilove you, Thomas. Thank you for calling.”

“Thanks.” Irepeated the meek reply and hung up quickly.

As Ilooked at the phone, stunned at the turn of events, Iknew Icouldn’tdo this on my own.

Erin just had to say yes, even if Ihad to beg her for it.

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