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“See youtomorrow, Erin.” Sandy gave me aquick wave as we left the museum.

She’dbeen the art teacher Iwas assigned to on my internship who I’dseen four days aweek, ending each one of them the same way with me walking to the campus and her to the parking lot.

“See you then,” Icalled behind my back, crossing the road and dreaming about my new muse Gloria.

The idea of what she’dbe like came to my mind—her story, her looks, the colors I’duse, every part of her. Icould see the painting as Istrolled through the school’sdoor and the vivid image followed me, preventing me from taking note of the person who stood in front of my easel until Iwas less than astep away from him.

While he had visited me and shown genuine interest these past weeks, he had never waited for me to show up. Amonth ago, Iwould’ve thought that was creepy. Amonth ago, Iwould’ve shrunk from him.

Not anymore, not the man Ipassed hours with, the man who asked questions about my work, who smiled every so often, who Icaught staring at me. Iliked having him around and Ispecifically liked how his shirt hiked up from his jeans and showed his back as he scratched his head.

Then he turned around and caught me ogling.

Shoot, was Ithat obvious?Imade amental note to stop objectifying him. The man always noticed.

As my nerves settled from being subjected to his gaze, Isaw he bore anew expression, one Ihadn’tseen before. Not angry, not bored, not amused. Iguessed from the crease forming on his otherwise clear forehead that he’dbeen worried. It took something serious to bring that out of him.

“Thomas?” Ispoke up when neither of us said anything. “Are you okay?”

“Hey, yeah, just tired.” Agentle smile rose on his lips and he took his usual spot next to me. “Ihad afriend over yesterday and we stayed up later than I’maccustomed to.”

Without my permission, jealousy crept up on me.Jealousy for my friend, Ihad to remind myself. My nose twitched with the ugly emotion, an emotion Ihad no right to feel.

Instead of standing there with my nose scrunched, Iheaded directly to my place and pulled up anew canvas, blending new colors and pushing away thoughts of my hot boss who had agirlfriend or aone-night stand and how it made me feel like Ishouldn’thave.

“Is this lady aDeidra substitute?” Thomas’squestion pierced through the silence.

“Yup, she is.” Reds and yellows, whites and blacks were blended in front of me. Anything except to show him Icared.

“Iwon’tforget her easily.”

And there he went, melting my heart with his love for my ladies. “Ihad to say goodbye to her at some point; otherwise, she would have been swallowed whole by asea of colors and coating layers.”

His sigh sounded oddly genuine. “For once Iwish she would’ve.”

My heart skipped abeat.

It doesn’tmean anything that he likes your color choice, chillax.

Ifocused on my palette when Iheard him lift from the stool and move to stand behind me. “Go on, then, tell me our new friend’sstories.”

Merely inches away from me, his body heat radiated on my back and neck, setting them on fire. Idid have her story ready, just lacked the words at the moment, like Ilacked my no-men resolve.

His Converse sneakers scraped the floor another time when he took another step toward me. Tentatively, Iglimpsed up at him, hoping the burning Ifelt in my cheeks wasn’tvisible.

From how Thomas inspected me, it very much was. The somber man reverted to the amused one, which had been making more and more appearances lately, suppressing asmile while his eyes perused me.

Unable to stand his scrutiny for another second, Iturned to the canvas, to my safe place, where my speech returned to me. “Her name is Gloria.” Abroken-down, nervous speech, but still.

“That’sapretty name.” He bent forward, examining the colors Ichose, more of his clean smell of shampoo dripping from my nose to my pleasure center. “What else?”

Istilled myself, knowing that if Imoved, I’dbe touching the one thing Iwanted and couldn’ttouch: Thomas.

“Yeah so…Gloria’saround sixty I’dsay, and she wants to move forward with her life but doesn’tknow where. You know?” While Italked, the comprehension this was just like any other day sunk in. Ihad no reason to be nervous, even if he stood so close that Ifelt his warmth through my shirt. No reason whatsoever.

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