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It had been hard finding a reasonably priced place in New York and it took Aria over a month before she managed to find something that didn’t make her want to curl up and die. The fact that she hated that she had to move out of her old place since she loved that apartment very much, wasn’t helping either, but that was the first place Will would have come to look for her so Aria begrudgingly decided to move out.

“It was great. I didn’t have to start from the beginning since I had already finished the first year back when I was 18. I was nervous of course, thinking that I had forgotten everything but it all eventually came back to me.” Aria said with a relieved smile on her face.

After the Will thing happened, she had decided to take her life into her own hands, so the first thing that Aria did was to apply for a transfer to Med school where she was now training to be a doctor.

She had made a decision that she wasn’t going to rely on somebody else to guide her through life. It was going to be hard for a while, she was sure of that, but she was going to make it happen.

She had been stupid enough to fall for the same love crap twice, but that all ended two months ago. She hated Will for hurting her like that, but Aria also still loved him, and she knew that if she saw him again, she would go back because she was too weak; hence, moving away.

Aria would be lying if she said that there wasn’t a sliver of doubt in her, especially since her last conversation with Meg when the woman told her that it was all a misunderstanding and begged Aria to give Will a chance to explain himself.

But Aria kept repeating to herself that Will was Meg’s brother and that it was natural for her friend to believe in anything her older brother would say. So, Aria told her to give up or she would cut all contact with her.

“Aria?” Nura called pulling Aria out of her thoughts.


“Are you completely sure about this? I mean, I know that you feel hurt and betrayed, but we’ve known Will for over a year and he just doesn’t seem like a guy who would do this kind of thing.”

“I don’t want to talk about this.” Aria immediately said, as just a mention of Will’s name made a slicing pain shot through her chest.

“I know Ari, and I am sorry for bringing it up again. But you seem so sad and I hate seeing you like this. And I also saw Will last week and he looked even worse than you do. I almost gave in and told him where you were, but I couldn’t do that to you.”

Aria refused to look at Nura as her eyes started to water and her hands to shake so badly that she had to put down the box that she had been holding.

“I just... don’t you think that if he had cheated on you, he wouldn’t have spent so much time trying to find you? If he wanted to be with his ex, he would’ve already done so. I don’t know, I guess I just want you to be happy.”

“I know, I know that you do. But I have made my choice and all I’m asking for is for you to respect it.” she said and walked down to her bedroom before she ended up breaking down in front of her.

Aria knew that Nura wanted the best for her and that she was just trying to help, but all she ended up doing was hurt her by constantly reminding her of everything she was desperate to forget.

A Date

“Hey, Aria!”

She was at the counter in the coffee shop she recently started to work at when she heard a familiar voice greet her. Looking up from the latte she was preparing, she saw Jonathan, the guy from her anatomy class, smiling widely at her.

“Hey, John! Want some coffee?” she asked him even though judging by the way the guy was almost falling asleep on his feet he was in more of a need of bed than anything else.

“Sure, just pack it up to go. I have like a ton of studying to do and I am afraid I’ll pass out if I don’t get some caffeine in my system.” he said and laughed as Aria nodded, joining in.

“I wanted to ask you something.” Jonathan said, suddenly looking wide awake and nervous, as he looked down to his feet.

“Sure, ask away.” Aria said, intrigued by what John had on his mind.

“I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?” the guy asked her in a rush, the words coming out all jumbled but Aria understood him and froze, staring at him in shock.

“I… um... I...” she started to stutter and immediately saw John visibly starting to shrink in front of her.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to.” John said and started to back up, “I... I am just going to go. Sorry for...” he blabbed, his cheeks in flames and his eyes wide.

Aria looked at him closely for the first time since she met him. The guy was cute, tall, with red hair, hazel eyes, and freckles. John was also pretty shy and quiet, which meant a complete opposite of Aria’s usual type.

Aria sighed, remembering where her usual type had led her to and how they’ve hurt her so she made a split-moment decision and called out for John, who was already half-way through the door.

“Okay! Yes, yes, I would love to go out with you.” she all but yelled, attracting a few looks and snickers from the people in the café as John looked up at her in surprise, before he smiled widely.

“Um, great! T

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